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- Apr 12, 2006
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by using the mac/iphone software, isnt that assuming you will always have an iphone or Mac for the rest of your flying career? sure would suck to have to start all over again because one day you have to change software programs... but a paper book lasts forever... unless you lose it... or it gets stolen... better make copies every time you fill a page!
I thought of this because I always have used Microsoft Money for my accounts until now they have discontinued it and I'm having to learn Quicken... which sucks... cause I don't know how to use it.
Back on the subject, I'm still doing the computer logs in addition to the paper book and I have a Mac and iPhone so my question is... does the logten program keep all the information on the airplanes separate from the flight log so you don't have to fill a "turbine" or a "complex" or "multi" or whatever column and then it can tell you how much PIC high performance multiengine night cross country time you had in 1842 with out having to create an actual "PIC HP ME night XC" column (i just made that up).... if anyone knows this feature about logbook pro I am talking about, could they let me know if LogtenPro has the same or similar functionality?
Basically... Logbook Pro seams good at pulling out info to answer those "how much blah blah blah time do you have" questions that you seem to have not kept a column for in your logbook. Does LogtenPro do as good a job?
Remember that BOTH Logbook Pro and LogtenPro will export all their data to excel formats, tab del. formats or even simple .txt formats, so even if both companies go out of business and/or you completely change programs, you will be able to import your data into pretty much ANY new program that comes up. At the very least, it will import into Excel, which will probably be around for a very long time. Also, both of these programs have excellent back-up and printing options that make handwritten paper logbooks unnecessary. In fact, I keep a printed copy in a safe, and I email a backup copy to myself so if my house burns down AND my computer is destroyed or stolen, my data is still safe on my email server.
To your other question, LogTen pro actually takes it's Aircraft data from online databases(i.e. it knows that a CRJ2 is a turbine aircraft, and will always log it as such.) As a user of both programs, I can safely say that LogTen Pro does whatever Logbook Pro does just as well, if not better.