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It's almost over at USAIR.

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It is easy to say U mgt is terrible. How about somebody posting what they should have done these last few years?
Boeingman said:
I don't know which is worse: The fact the F/A's are the only ones with some balls, or the complete lack of spine USAIR ALPA had facing the invitable and capitulating every time.
This is a sad situation. Usually you strike for something, not just to strike. What will be the outcome if ALPA calls a strike? What could possibly be gained at this late date? Are the passengers just going to wait for U management to make things right according to ALPA? The answer of course is NO.

A strike will be just for spite. The employee group with the least to lose will be the one to walk out. The F/As dont have "balls" as you say, they just have the least to lose and afterall who can blame them.
Yeah, it's almost been over ever since I got here. I remember Rakesh saying "I will not have CHAOS on my airline! I will shut it down!" Did he? No, a settlement appeared in the 13th hour. The AFA didn't blink, and the company did business as usual.

Threads such as this only spread fear. Relax, and have a Merry Christmas, for there's nothing anyone can do to change the eventual outcome. The company will negotiate a deal when the company wants a deal, and no sooner, because to do so would be to leave money at the table.

I think you are confused. ALPA striking? What are you talking about?
And yes, the F/A's do have balls! Their past negotiations have proven this time and again.
Flyingitalian said:
. . What will be the outcome if ALPA calls a strike? What could possibly be gained at this late date? Are the passengers just going to wait for U management to make things right according to ALPA? The answer of course is NO. . .
ALPA can't (and won't) strike after the recent ratification of their tentative agreement. Only AFA and IAM remain in transformation plan negotiations, and the legal basis for an "authorized" strike following the potential abrogation of their contracts is still unclear.

Speedbird34 said:
You sound like a doomsday prophet who wants to push his veiws.US Airways is`undergoing a brutal transformation to a low cost carrier and its workers are going to conform to a large degree or find themselves on the cold hard streets. While the other airlines greedily move in to take over their flying. It seems to me you fly for one of this other airlines.
I think any discussion of issues involves opinions, and that is what this web board promotes. What you claim as "doomsday" prophecy, I counter as realism (tomato, tomoto I guess). We can agree to disagree with the topic, but after almost 16 years on the line there, in the training department, and an ALPA co-chair, I think I've at least earned the perspective.

Irregardless, I have many friends still there, and (as I've stated before) only hope the best for each of them.

Have a safe Holiday Season!

BeCareful! said:

F/A's do have balls! Their past negotiations have proven this time and again.
Having "balls" implies action in the face of great risk. Tell me again what exactly is the great risk to these F/As?
FA's at USAir mainline along with other labor groups are still making more than some of the skilled labor throughout the USAir system. If the company is making money, great...pay the FA's and the rest of the groups what their contracts are calling for. If you are losing it like they are, what else can you do? I realize management has screwed up in the past, however this is the last chance and unfortunatly Lakefield has been left with a load in his lap. Good luck to all throughout the USAirways system over the next several weeks.
Well, Flyingitalian, back in 2000 those F/A's that you seem to know very little about were making three times what a typical regional FO makes, had a retirement, and had work rules that most pilots would envy (especially by today's standards). They put it all on the line and Management blinked, i.e. didn't follow through with their threat of shutting the airline down.

You apparently think they have little to lose at this point; that's your opinion, but I think that's a fairly arrogant stance. It's their job, their lifestyle, if not their primary source of income.

I guess you make how much?
BeCareful! said:
I guess you make how much?
Apparently you seem to think I have some sort of angst for the U F/As. However in 2000 the industry was quite different in terms of available labor pool...bla bla bla. Look who cares I dont know why Im wasting my time with this. Bottom line is I dont blame them for striking (as Ive said previously) if they choose to do so, the job has been whittled down by incompetent management and I can completely understand and share their anger. A strike will kill the airline what a month sooner? so what?
Perhaps the F/As want to quicken the inevitable by striking and be home for the holidays.

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