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Is Griz really NetJetWife?

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"Now that creates conflicts and no additional $$. You see, I (as owner), would tip myself (as pilot - Griz) who would then bring it home to his/my wife/me (NetJetWife). No one is adding additonal money to the circle so it can not be true. Therefore, I am not NJW or Griz. But I still can't speak for them! Maybe she wore out her keyboard?"

Thanks for the much needed laugh NJAOwner, it is all making sense now!
Not in the Caribbean--don't look there

Interesting and funny theory, NJOwner. I have a lot of respect for Griz, so I'll take that as a compliment. Our families hope to meet one another in the future. It is just as those that know me have said. I believe strongly that underpaying and overworking pilots is WRONG, especially when those 2 conditions exist together as they do at NJA. Then throw in the fact that my family's finances and quality of life are directly affected by the contract those pilots receive and it is actually surprising that there aren't more netjetwives posting here. Two others did try it, but the few creeps around discouraged them. I believe that the family perspective needs to be shared so I have adjusted...using the ignore option (only for couple, luckily) has helped. I find comments like yours, PN, offensive and of NO relevance to the issues. Fortunately, you are in a small-minded minority and I have decided that the good outweighs the bad. I have learned a lot about the industry and the TA process by participating in discussions here. I appreciate those who have shown respect for my quest for knowledge and my attempts to interject the family viewpoint.

Those that followed closely, will have noticed that I posted the link to an e-card that had a picture of myself attached. I posted a photo of my work, faux painting, as well. I think Griz would rather fly planes...lol.
We could probably fill a plane--an Excel for sure..

FAcFriend said:
Only Griz and NJW really know -- unless they are both in the Caribbean together relaxing after the vote and sipping pina coladas.

I volunteer to go to the Caribbean and sip pina coladas in an attempt to verify your story.
Windy, cold and rainy here in Colorado. Sunshine, sand and fruity drinks--I could go for that! We'd have to take my kids along, if you don't mind. And the money issue would be a problem. Guess I'll have hot chocolate instead. The laughs are nice though. And I agree that they are needed. The waiting isn't easy for people and the MEC election fiasco was really uncalled for. That said, determination remains as high as ever and much work is being done.
Some guy said:
It's not too often that I post, but I do come in here frequently to see what's happening. I am kind of curious to know why Griz or NJwife hasn't appeared since NJAowner created this thread.

Is it possible that NJAowner, Griz, and NJwife are all the same person? Who knows? If so, does NJAownergrizwife have other identities? Am I coming in here and reading numerous posts from the same person using 20 aliases?

Just kiddin...I did, however, find the thread amusing!
Glad to hear you're only kiddin! I have enough work keeping up with my OWN posts. I MIGHT have been able to fill in for Griz on some of the contract issue stuff, but none of the flying/technical things. And posting for the Owner would definitely have been a stretch. Nice to "see" familiar faces in this thread. Have a good day everyone. NJW
Since YOU brought it up--not ME

NJAowner said:
Now that creates conflicts and no additional $$. You see, I (as owner), would tip myself (as pilot - Griz) who would then bring it home to his/my wife/me (NetJetWife). No one is adding additonal money to the circle so it can not be true. Therefore, I am not NJW or Griz. But I still can't speak for them! Maybe she wore out her keyboard?

Where are they?????

Fly safe.
It did occur to me that as the Owner, I could discuss the "T-Word" issue...lol If I put my mind to it, I could write a short conversation about tipping from the perspective of the owner, pilot, and wife. For those that missed that energetic exchange last time, I wouldn't recommend sitting in the front row..lol.
OK..why not?

rettofly said:
Some guy said:
Is it possible that NJAowner, Griz, and NJwife are all the same person?QUOTE]

And what about Naomi????
I think I can fit her into my exchange as the caterer or perhaps someone who works in the FBO--only a bit part you understand. Or perhaps that's the Owner's wife? That could work, too.
NJW - you have taken this thread way too seriously. Remember, since you and Griz were so vocal for so long and then got quiet, I posted it as a humorous post. Please re-read the first post.

However, I take offense at your comment: I find comments like yours, PN, offensive and of NO relevance to the issues. Fortunately, you are in a small-minded minority and I have decided that the good outweighs the bad.
I have tried to make my comments anything but offensive and I don't understand why you see my comments (which have generally been in favor of the pilots and have suggested ways to work through this successfully for all) to be from the small minded minority.
Griz in drag...I think not!!!

Time out got to call BS on this NetJet Wife is really Griz, in drag comment !!!

I really try to stay out of these things because you wild and crazy kids, tend to get caught up in this crap but please...I have meet Griz, once in passing and talked with NetJet Wife on the phone once. Trust me when I say they are not the one and same person in drag...Griz, just could not pull off the drag thing! He doesn't have that, I'm a hottie in a little red dress look! ( sorry Griz but I had to have a some fun at your expense! )

Ok now that we have that settled...Please, move on to a new topic to flame each other over...
NJOwner, sorry for the confusion--I should have taken the time to spell out, PseudoName--it was HIS comment that I find offensive. Quote

ummm, dude, could your nose be more brown than it is right now??

Are you trying to score with her, or are you just being a smart one?

Your comments, Owner, are well above that level as any half way intelligent person can see. I am trying to enter into the spirit of the thread, but some of the attacks get in the way.

b727, nice to hear from you again. How did you know that red is a good color for me? I have a couple of outfits that Griz is welcome to borrow. The shoes might present a problem, however. I'll do my best--my closet is his closet!...:)
Hey NetJet Wife...

My mind is spinning with the thoughts of who or what might just come out of the closet...if Griz and you, start sharing closets!!! ;)

The thought of Griz in your pumps and that little red dress...now thats too much for these ol'coonass to picture... :rolleyes:

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