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Is Griz really NetJetWife?

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Starman said:
I think that's why a number of people on this board do not read the garbage that flows from Les Paul's pie hole anymore.
Well that explains your thought process. Its a keyboard... not a piehole. Looks like we have another winner that has crossed the reality line between internet and real world.

Speaking of pieholes... lets move on and talk about the topic of the thread.

Starman said:

There is a huge difference between voicing your opinion and just venting hateful statements without any real purpose.
There is?? LOL! What exactly is the difference there Sparky? Oh... I get it... as long as my opinion matches YOUR opinion then its okay.. right? But if I offer a differing view then its "hateful without any real purpose". Is that how it works chief?

Grow up "Charmin...er..Starman".

My posts actually are a very relevant OPINION about an annoying, non relevant wife of a Netjets Pilot who posts 5 posts for everybody's one. Her husband doesn't even have the right to post HIS thoughts on anything because she hogs the computer 24/7 posting on 5 websites daily.

I'm still waiting for her to give us the address of her wives chat forum. She has no problem justifying posting hundreds of posts a month here, but we are not ALLOWED on her "wives only" forum.

LOL! Finally its funny to see NJAOwner roll over on his back and try to become popular with the "noodgejetwifeys" lackeys.


Les Paul
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What kind of Les PAul are you playing?

Hey Les Paul,

I've got a "68" that I've been playing for about 30 years. (Black Betty is what I call it)

I've always said, If I'm gonna be a sh%tty guitar player, I'm gonna do it with the best equipment.

It must have worked ok;
Crate amps have given me amps for about the last 10 years, How about you?

Whats the big hard on for NJWife? I don't get it?

I have a Fat Strat here in the desert (Blonde with a blonde neck)

In your aircraft profile you say, Is that important? Well yes it is.

I guess it is if your gonna whackin at some lady that is just trying to make a decent life for her family. Jeez, don't you have a mom?

In you hours you say something similar. See statement above.

Well, I think it is important if your gonna go slammin people.

I mean, you just talk like a "snot nose".

Whata ya got?

What kind of music do you do?

So how do your stats compare to NJwife?

I was just curious, I love my "Paul". I love my Strat, I love my MArtin, I love my "Joe Satriani".

I would be playin it if I had the time that you seem to have.

Get a grip man, The lady is trying to present facts that we here on the inside know.

If you would quit asking all these question, she would quit answering.
Semore Butts said:
Hey Les Paul,I've got a "68" that I've been playing for about 30 years. (Black Betty is what I call it)I've always said, If I'm gonna be a sh%tty guitar player, I'm gonna do it with the best equipment.
It must have worked ok;Crate amps have given me amps for about the last 10 years, How about you?Whats the big hard on for NJWife? I don't get it?
I have a Fat Strat here in the desert (Blonde with a blonde neck) In your aircraft profile you say, Is that important? Well yes it is.I guess it is if your gonna whackin at some lady that is just trying to make a decent life for her family. Jeez, don't you have a mom?In you hours you say something similar. See statement above.Well, I think it is important if your gonna go slammin people.I mean, you just talk like a "snot nose".Whata ya got?
What kind of music do you do?So how do your stats compare to NJwife?
I was just curious, I love my "Paul". I love my Strat, I love my MArtin, I love my "Joe Satriani".I would be playin it if I had the time that you seem to have.Get a grip man, The lady is trying to present facts that we here on the inside know.If you would quit asking all these question, she would quit answering.
Wow!! LOL!! WTF Over?! LOL!

I see your morning medication is wearing off. You need to take a quick pit stop to the medicine cabinet there Shakey.

I was incredibly embarrassed for you after reading your incoherent ramblings, then I noticed your profile. It appears we have yet another High School Graduate Army Helicopter Pilot. I guess that explains it all right there.

BTW - Its called a "Black Beauty" not "Black Betty", but what the he!!, after trying to read and trying to decipher your "post" I'm not surprised. I guess you are used to the phrase "anything over 70% is just showing off... heh"??


Les Paul
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Les Small,

I see we are the kind of person that looks at our self a long time in the mirror in the morning.

Rambling? Sh&t man thats the way I talk all the time.

Yes, I am a high school graduate helicopter Pilot. My mommy and daddy didn't send me to college, I did it on my own.

Please don't be embarrassed for me. You failed to answer one question that I ask.

By the way, If I own it, I call it whatever the F*ck I want to call it.I didn't say anything about what Gibson calls it.

70%? Oh I'm sorry, I went to training that had a time line, do or die. Did you go to one of those "Learn at your own pace" flight programs?

It doesn't seem that you listened to a word I said or answer a question I ask.

Your attack attack attack method may work on a private or a kid at McDonalds. But it really doesn't fair well for a real live grown up person.
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It's not too often that I post, but I do come in here frequently to see what's happening. I am kind of curious to know why Griz or NJwife hasn't appeared since NJAowner created this thread.

Is it possible that NJAowner, Griz, and NJwife are all the same person? Who knows? If so, does NJAownergrizwife have other identities? Am I coming in here and reading numerous posts from the same person using 20 aliases?

Just kiddin...I did, however, find the thread amusing!
Conflicts --

Now that creates conflicts and no additional $$. You see, I (as owner), would tip myself (as pilot - Griz) who would then bring it home to his/my wife/me (NetJetWife). No one is adding additonal money to the circle so it can not be true. Therefore, I am not NJW or Griz. But I still can't speak for them! Maybe she wore out her keyboard?

Where are they?????

Fly safe.
Have to chime in here. Les Paul, I've never read any other posts of yours, but those on this thread are obnoxious. It's called A-n-g-e-r M-a-n-a-g-e-m-e-n-t. Try it out...it might make you a happier little camper:)

NJAOwner...good bait. Lot's of fun to read.
NJAowner said:
Now that creates conflicts and no additional $$. You see, I (as owner), would tip myself (as pilot - Griz) who would then bring it home to his/my wife/me (NetJetWife).
I would imagine that would be difficult to explain to the IRS.
GRIZ is Clark Kent! :)

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