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Interview time at CAL once in short stack?

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Has anyone recieved a phone call type interview from CAL?

I have heard it does happen...... not with everyone but it does occur, unsure why
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When I checked on one of my friend's app about a month ago, there were just over 3,500 apps listed with around 180 in the "short stack".

Have you checked the numbers recently? Wonder how many of those guys are already at other airlines (DAL, SWA, AirTran, ect are hireing like crazy)

Heard they were slowing down hireing right now so that the training dept can catch up (heard classes are running 3-4 months after interview)

Any other tips for for CAL... As a Houston native, this is the basket that all my eggs are in...

My Class date will be about 6 weeks after interview. Word is there would be 2 classes in August and then 4 per month starting in September.
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