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Interview time at CAL once in short stack?

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I don't know what's worse.. Affirmative Action, or the Sponsor thing... in the end, I suppose it's a system and we have to work within it!


I dont mean to sound like Dr Phil here, but if you want something go get it, make it happen, find out whats needed and make it happen. ie, in this case, internal help is a must,so do what is needed to get help.

With a huge amount of applicants a company can do what they want to make selection easiest for them. I hope this doesnt come off as a negative statement, I just think that if someone wants to work somewhere they find out how everyone else is getting hired and make the nessessary adjustments to their plan and go for it :) This doesnt just go for a major airline, its the same in all types of professions. A little side work may be required.
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I dont mean to sound like Dr Phil here, but if you want something go get it, make it happen, find out whats needed and make it happen. ie, in this case, internal help is a must,so do what is needed to get help.

With a huge amount of applicants a company can do what they want to make selection easiest for them. I hope this doesnt come off as a negative statement, I just think that if someone wants to work somewhere they find out how everyone else is getting hired and make the nessessary adjustments to their plan and go for it :) This doesnt just go for a major airline, its the same in all types of professions. A little side work may be required.

I'm doing just that, which also includes asking these questions here to see if maybe, God forbid, they go by something like go by how long the application has been on file ... don't worry about it, and thanks for the tips.
I agree the amount of time an application has been on file should also be factored in the equation.

Happy Thanksgiving
So the biggest jack ass who had their application in with all the majors for the last 7 years, will never get hired, should go first??

You know the deal big wheel, go to the job fairs, and do what ever it takes to get an interview. But you must somehow get on the list. Inside recommendation, job fair, Meet Asst. Chief Pilot, etc. Time on line won't help, if you've got no one looking at it. Job Fair's a rip, but if it's the only way to meet someone, it's perfectly fine. End result is the same, right?
So the biggest jack ass who had their application in with all the majors for the last 7 years, will never get hired, should go first??

You know the deal big wheel, go to the job fairs, and do what ever it takes to get an interview. But you must somehow get on the list. Inside recommendation, job fair, Meet Asst. Chief Pilot, etc. Time on line won't help, if you've got no one looking at it. Job Fair's a rip, but if it's the only way to meet someone, it's perfectly fine. End result is the same, right?

I'm having a bit of a hard time following you, so let me just clarify.. Job Fair is a good thing, or a rip off? Which is it? Cause I'm planning on attending the Jan 27th one if I don't get a call for an interview otherwise?

Also, I don't agree with your assumption that the guy with an app in for 7 years is a Jack Ass. He may just not be very well connected with people at that particular company, which is quite possible. After all, you're not saying that a pilot with 3 senior captains as good friends at American and none at CAL is a Jackass, are you? I just happens that my connections AREN'T at the place that's now hiring..
Me personally, I've got no horse in this race, I just want to go someplace that will stay in business for 23 years (if age 60 remains), and retire.. CAL, DAL, AA, SWA, UAL, Gemini, World... the first one I get hired by will have to furlough me to get rid of me.. I'm sick of the job hunt!
I'm having a bit of a hard time following you, so let me just clarify.. Job Fair is a good thing, or a rip off? Which is it? Cause I'm planning on attending the Jan 27th one if I don't get a call for an interview otherwise?

Also, I don't agree with your assumption that the guy with an app in for 7 years is a Jack Ass. He may just not be very well connected with people at that particular company, which is quite possible. After all, you're not saying that a pilot with 3 senior captains as good friends at American and none at CAL is a Jackass, are you? I just happens that my connections AREN'T at the place that's now hiring..

Ya, um, good luck, I think you're going to need it.

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