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Info On Sk Logistics, Inc

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Jon said:
i hope u have good stuff to back that statment up. dont run your mouth about stuff u dont know

To which post or member is this directed? If you are responding to jaxpilot as it seems, his post states what he saw, not what he heard or is speculating. What "good stuff" would he need to "back up" the statement of what he witnessed?
jon- If you dont like what you read on a website then go to a different website, works both ways. When did I bash anyone? I stated a fact you moron. SK is not considered a good job so why would I be mad at them even if I had been rejected? (which would be hard since I havent applied). Is the total time listed in my profile common for your FO's? I wouldnt doubt it.

Go practice your chandelles, your instructor told me you need work.
Hey Jon, there are more than a couple of people that got put on the street by the bone smuggler that owns SK for no reason. The verdict is in, SK is one of THE worsrt companies you could work for.

Pass the word on.
Another Bottomfeeder

Diesel said:
A close friend of mine used to work there. He left but said it was a pretty f'ed up job.

He left when they were doing some helicopter ops out to a rig. The boss was too cheap to have a liferaft on board and when the helicopter went down the pilot drowned.

A bunch of crazy stuff they used to do. STAY FAR AWAY.

A year ago these bums tried to tell me that an applicant had to have a type rating to get hired and recurrent training was PFT.The pilot had to sign a contract.
I am glad I didn't fool with them.It sounds like a VERY BAD place to work.
Flybet3 said:
Seems like just about every **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** company out of florida is low pay and crappy QOL, are there any good companies worth sending a resume to?????!!!

Not likely, and stay far away from 36th street in MIA.
Hey Line Guy

jaxpilot said:
had to help em load one of their lears up one day here in JAX. they were strapping golf bags into the front couch seat with the seatbelts. I think they got 4 bags onto that couch, they had to use the seatbelt extender to strap em down. Put the rest of the luggage in the aisle. Crammed the pax in the back. Didnt look very safe and the FO looked kinda skiddish. We see em all the time tho.

You were not out of line.
I used to fly for SK Logistics a few years back. I would hope that the company has improved since I was there, but if the owner 'Hoke Smith' is still involved I doubt it. Management had no leadership, maintanance was almost non existant(D.M. was in Lakeland and you couldn't get him on the phone most of the time) when they did hire a tech he had no experience with any Jet aircraft. Dispatch, well it was there only to make the call to wake the pilot up to go fly at any hour of the day. Anything else done by the so called dispatcher was detrimental to flight operations so was treated as a joke by the pilots. Pilots were expected to do everything including going to the supermarket to get catering. pilot schedule was 24/7/365. Even if you managed to get a day off the company may still call and tell you you had to fly.
I always stuck to duty time requirements(making me unpopular with the owner) but others in the company, including the owner regularly flew well over 14hrs or took less than 10 hrs rest then pencil whipped the logs.
Tim the helicopter pilot that died was a great guy, I dont think a raft would have helped him. The helicopter hit the water after sun down and sank immediately, it was equiped with emergency floats but he didn't deploy them for some reason, he managed to get out but clung to the platform for almost two hours waiting for the coast guard. Soo many thing could have saved him including some sort of ladder on the platform. One person on the platform had no way of getting to him. He died of hypothermia.
Pay was bad but was a starting position type job,
As I said earlier this was a few years ago, I enjoyed my time there mostly due to the guys I flew with.
Learjetplt said:
I used to fly for SK Logistics a few years back. I would hope that the company has improved since I was there, but if the owner 'Hoke Smith' is still involved I doubt it. Management had no leadership, maintanance was almost non existant(D.M. was in Lakeland and you couldn't get him on the phone most of the time) when they did hire a tech he had no experience with any Jet aircraft. Dispatch, well it was there only to make the call to wake the pilot up to go fly at any hour of the day. Anything else done by the so called dispatcher was detrimental to flight operations so was treated as a joke by the pilots. Pilots were expected to do everything including going to the supermarket to get catering. pilot schedule was 24/7/365. Even if you managed to get a day off the company may still call and tell you you had to fly.
I always stuck to duty time requirements(making me unpopular with the owner) but others in the company, including the owner regularly flew well over 14hrs or took less than 10 hrs rest then pencil whipped the logs.
Tim the helicopter pilot that died was a great guy, I dont think a raft would have helped him. The helicopter hit the water after sun down and sank immediately, it was equiped with emergency floats but he didn't deploy them for some reason, he managed to get out but clung to the platform for almost two hours waiting for the coast guard. Soo many thing could have saved him including some sort of ladder on the platform. One person on the platform had no way of getting to him. He died of hypothermia.
Pay was bad but was a starting position type job,
As I said earlier this was a few years ago, I enjoyed my time there mostly due to the guys I flew with.

Excellent post, the truth shall set you free.
FAR's: NO RESPECT at all.

coltsfn8888 said:
Isn't being on call 24/7 a violation of part 135 required rest periods??

It certainly seems to be a VIOLATION!!! This outfit needs to shutdown by the FEDS as soon as possible.It's hard to see how any pilot could work there and put up with the blatant violations of FAR's by mgmt,that is according to all the posts on this aviation forum.

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