Make no sense but you figure out a way to respond. Already explained I'm on my phone only this week.
Not in denial just saying their explanation for everything seems reasonable so I'm going with it. There was union people right there so if Rick was lying they would have said something right? So it just is to me that's more evidence it's not all as doom filled as sine here make it siybd. Rick is not the bad guy here sorry.
I was anti union but almost sent in a card a couple months ago but glad I didbt. I grades are happened, new metal coming g in and next year well have 700 pilot work forforce. Ken Ricci coming in string for the win. But if that 700 is union I see Ken being a very different Ken and I'd rather take my chances. That's all.
I am still allow to have my own opinion in your version of America I hope.
Flexible - your naivete is astounding!
RH said he would step down if KR wasn't doing right - yet he apparently came out and ADMITTED KR lied to him about the stip! Waiting for RH to stand down but he won't because he lied to you about not knowing about the stip. Think it was a coincidence that RH was playing boy scout when stip was announced? Me thinks that it was planned that way so RH could garner sympathy from those with their heads in the sand - people sorta like you.
RH himself has sent out messages and threats about not speaking about union organization on the property, as a matter of fact I believe a few of them went to Federal Court about it and his intimidation antics - so it would be safe to say that the union organizers in the room were smart to keep their mouths shut so as not to end up like the ones who lost their job. Try reading some of the messages the union puts out and try to refute the truth that they state. I haven't seen anything put out by the union organizers that has been disproved. I have found many statements put out by RH and KR that have been proven to be outright false.
Have you ever thought why is it that RH has a contract but he doesn't want the line pilots to have one? Think about that.
Flexible get your head out of the sand and grow a pair.