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The petition that is going around that has 32 signatures for RH to resign. I have not seen it yet but probably would be willing to sign it

No need for that, just get enough cards in for the union vote and KR will show him the door like he did to Bob when the 1108 was voted in at Options.

Plus don't put a target on yourselves until you have protection of a CBA. Keep your heads down and send in your cards.
No need for that, just get enough cards in for the union vote and KR will show him the door like he did to Bob when the 1108 was voted in at Options.

Plus don't put a target on yourselves until you have protection of a CBA. Keep your heads down and send in your cards.

That is excellent advice, problem is, it just hasn't worked out so far.

Honestly I can't understand why. There's always about 10% that just don't get it, and never will, but what's the hold up with the rest?

Let's just look at the list:
No bonus
No enhanced 401(k)
Multiple firings, not related to flying
FX tail aircraft being flown by FLOPs
G450 going to FLOPs pilots and junior FJ crew
Red Label
Special treatment of FLOPs crews at FJ

Are people holding out for ALPA or an internal group because they don't like the IBT? If that's the case, it's time to lower your expectations and dance with the partner we've got.

A petition to remove RH, useless even if every pilot at FJ signed it. He won't step down. And if he did, what new overlord would Kenn appoint to oversee the continued assimilations?
...Regarding PD and the single carrier comment, would you please explain. What is he trying to do? I thought the company didn't want that, doesn't make sense their lackey is pushing it.

The main thing KR cares about is keeping the union out, so he can do things his way. He doesn't care about keeping the seniority list separate, because he would just go on with Red-Label program if he is allowed, and seniority won't matter. So to answer your question very simply, "Single Carrier" triggers the representation vote, and management believes that the sooner the vote happens, the more likely it will come out in their favor. Luckily it's probably already too late for that, the way they have screwed with you guys. Flex may not be at 65% on the card drive yet, but I would be willing to bet that the combined Flex & Options groups have well over the necessary 50% + 1.
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Have you seen the latest BS Handcrank post? Read the POC letter. At no time do they say the terminated pilot was let go because of his union affiliation. They only say, correctly, that it is sleazy to smear the guy without giving any evidence or allowing him to defend himself. So, Mr Boyscout, why don't you tell about the racist slur you used on JC? And why weren't youmterminated for that? Twisting the truth until it becomes a lie.
It's nice to see you guys coming around. I have only one regret in my aviation career. Not quitting when RICCI got us at travel air in 01!!!!Give em hell
may be the best post ever: I stole this from AV8OR on another thread. I am guessing he's a NJ pilot..Sorry AV8OR but this has to be read. I take no credit for this post. And please read it about 50 times ..

How did we get to a place where the only cost associated with doing business that should remain fixed, go down and is apparently not subject to the same supply and demand forces is labor? I'm aware that labor can be greedy in negotiations as well as management, but when the price of gas doubles, nobody likes it but they pay it. If I was at a McDonalds in an area where the min wage was $15/hr and I had to pay another dollar for my happy meal, Id pay it! When Gulfstream raises their prices... People still buy them! I just saw that the Superintendent of Education in Atlanta makes $450k a year. If you want Payton Manning to play for your team because your customers want that caliber of talent... You PAY them.

For most of my flying career except for maybe one short time in the late 90's "Just be glad you've got a job" was the norm. In 93 when there was a glut of pilots, the regionals in cahoots with FlightSafety were charging pilots 10k for the high privilege of getting a check out in the right seat of a Brazillia and making 15k a year.

And during those times nobody gave two ********************s how that impacted the financials or the safety of aviators or aviation... And now... After 25 years of basically relatively stagnant wages in aviation there's an actual demand for qualified pilots and some folks are worried how billion dollar corporations are gonna survive? People are worried that... God forbid... A customer might have to pay a fraction more for premium service because unfortunately the pool of experience has started to dry? Cry me an F'n river!

Next time Gulfstream raises their prices or Coca Cola theirs or Exon theirs... Be sure and complain to them how difficult it is for you to afford THEIR product and see how far that gets Ya. Well guess what? Over the years there's a bunch of us who have been quietly building OUR business. Making the sacrifices WE needed to make to stay in the flying business. And OUR persistence and dedication has come to fruition. Hope Yall enjoyed the fire sale in the cockpit over the last 15-20 years. Prices just went up.
That is excellent advice, problem is, it just hasn't worked out so far.

Honestly I can't understand why. There's always about 10% that just don't get it, and never will, but what's the hold up with the rest?

Let's just look at the list:
No bonus
No enhanced 401(k)
Multiple firings, not related to flying
FX tail aircraft being flown by FLOPs
G450 going to FLOPs pilots and junior FJ crew
Red Label
Special treatment of FLOPs crews at FJ

Are people holding out for ALPA or an internal group because they don't like the IBT? If that's the case, it's time to lower your expectations and dance with the partner we've got.

A petition to remove RH, useless even if every pilot at FJ signed it. He won't step down. And if he did, what new overlord would Kenn appoint to oversee the continued assimilations?

26th of 48 laws of power

Keep your hands clean

You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency, your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds. Maintain such a spotless appearance by using others as scapegoats and cat?s-paws to disguise your involvement.
Here is a place that needs a union ready to exercise the nuclear option. Horror tales from friends of mine working.
Yip, your "friends" are probably IBT wannabe 's that are saying anything and everything in order to sway opinion of the pilot group. That have stooped to new lows and whoever sent out the last letter to pilots graduated from the BOZO school of Lies and manipulation. The majority of pilots here see the great opportunities being offered here...the lemmings offer only gloom, doom, and lies.
32nd of 48 laws of power

Play to people’s fantasies

The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant. Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes for disenchantment. Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert, everyone flocks to them. There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.

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