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So who was it then? I haven't heard a peep and yammer is a ghost town.

To follow up on flexible's posts, right now any discipline by management no matter how deserving will be spun by the IBT as a threat against the union.

Its not a threat to the union. Its a direct threat to YOU. If Uncle can intimidate enough of you, then he knows he can have his way with you for the rest of your career.
So who was it then? I haven't heard a peep and yammer is a ghost town.

To follow up on flexible's posts, right now any discipline by management no matter how deserving will be spun by the IBT as a threat against the union. What gets me is the double standard where the union accuses management of fear mongering and deceit meanwhile they use similar tactics to scare us into voting for them. Only makes sense I guess since that's how our political system works!

Just got clarification from one of the POC people that it was SG and JW. All I had to do was private message them on the vuh and I got an answer right away. It's hard not to put an against the union spin on it when it's pretty obvious that's what it is.

As for the rest, please don't put words in my mouth. I'm far from decided on this union issue but I disagree with you that the union peeps use similar tactics to management. Your opinion on that and your other posts here say a lot about your level of maturity. The fact you can deny (or worse case compare) what management is clearly doing for you own self described rebel poking the bear fun is ridiculously immature on such a serious issue.

The only thing that keeps me in the middle is how open and honest the POC has been otherwise this card carrying republican would have made my choice a long time ago. Some of those guys are great, great guys. I just simply don't like unions. Obviously, you have the same amount of respect for your fellow pilots as you do for our political system. I'd prolly hate flying with you so it's just as well I hope I never have to. Please, please be a low seniority 604 FO so I don't ever have to worry about it.
flexible, does the union have the power to fire people because they don't like it that you don't toe the union line?

Of course not but let's be honest they could make life easy or hard if they wanted to. I guess it all depends on how well and on time you pay your dues. According to PD at least.

It is a little bit of a protection racket if you think about it. Unfortunately, the longer I work for Ricci the more I see it's a viable business model. Unions aren't in business because CEO's are honest and upstanding. Ricci claims he hates unions but his business methodologies practically scream for one being necessary. Shoot, maybe he's actually getting kickbacks from membership.

I didn't come looking for the hard sell, just some info and I've gotten what I needed. Thanks.

I just didn't want to put it in the vuh because I didn't feel like 1000 phone calls to get me off the fence tonight.
Of course not but let's be honest they could make life easy or hard if they wanted to. I guess it all depends on how well and on time you pay your dues. According to PD at least.

PD is a crybaby. He had no problem throwing others under the bus. When it was his turn to get bumped, it was too late to avoid his pay cut. Cry me a river.
Anything That comes out of PD is garbage! He thinks he is an expert on the the union an the NRLB. Ask him how his request for a single carrier determination is coming? I sure hope the rest of his coworkers see through his bs.
The petition that is going around that has 32 signatures for RH to resign. I have not seen it yet but probably would be willing to sign it
There is a petition going around for Handschuch to resign? Hilarious. C'mon guys, you know he has your back...sighted in...
The petition that is going around that has 32 signatures for RH to resign. I have not seen it yet but probably would be willing to sign it

Well that seems rather redundant. But at last you flexers get it. I hope every one of those signatures represents someone who has also sent in their card for the vote.

Remember the card doesn't guarantee a union on property any more than this petition guarantees Rick will resign. It merely represents your voice in saying "I think we should have the right to decide this issue."

I find it hard to believe they don't have enough cards yet. Impossible actually. My guess is there is a smart reason for holding off just a little longer. Maybe this court case?

Regarding PD and the single carrier comment, would you please explain. What is he trying to do? I thought the company didn't want that, doesn't make sense their lackey is pushing it.

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