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If you could do it over again, would you...

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Heavy Set

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2002
There seems to be a lot of very upset people on this board. Sorry to hear it. Seems like fractional flying has become less enticing and less attractive to a good many people (largely due to very low wages relative to expectations).

So, if you wanted to stay in a flying position (and jobs at the major airlines were not available) and you could do it over again, would you:

a. choose another fractional company (if so, list the company you would prefer to work for)

b. seek out a part 91 or 135 position in a desirable location

c. seek out (or stay at) a position with a regional airline

Does anyone on this site wish they had considered and taken a job at another fractional? Do people who had flown at the regionals wish they had stayed? Not trying to be flip with this post, but just curious given the negative tone on this board...
What I wish I had done was get my current fractional job about five years ago. It's a decent job even now, but the guys who got on early have it better than I do. More vacation and more flexibility in where they live. Snooze you lose I guess.
Stinkbug said:
What I wish I had done was get my current fractional job about five years ago. It's a decent job even now, but the guys who got on early have it better than I do. More vacation and more flexibility in where they live. Snooze you lose I guess.
What he said.
Stinkbug said:
What I wish I had done was get my current fractional job about five years ago. It's a decent job even now, but the guys who got on early have it better than I do. More vacation and more flexibility in where they live. Snooze you lose I guess.
So, you actually like your job but wish you had more seniority, etc. That is different from the tone I am hearing on this board. Perhaps we hear more from the seriously unhappy people. Clearly there are reasons to be unhappy (low pay, internal politics, long days, questionable maintenance issues, etc.) but there have to be some positives out there too. Any other responses?
Well, it's not really a matter of seniority, as we don't have a seniority system. But the guys who got on early had a little better perks. You're right, though, I do enjoy my job and feel lucky to be here in the present environment. I worked for a large regional before and although that experience was overall a positive one, I feel I'm better off in all aspects at my current job.
My husband still believes that his judgement of NJA's potential for success was correct, and 75% of the market share, makes it true. Additionally, he didn't have any reason to doubt the "promises" of an industry-leading contract and is bitter, as many others are, over the failure of the company AND the MEC to offer at LEAST the industry average. Much hinges now on the TA. The outcome can/will change people's feelings. Vote down the TA and get a good contract=made the right decision. TA passes (only by fraud some say)=wasted time/sold out.

The negative tone is well deserved by the ones that it is directed towards!

The company IS trying to cram this TA down everyone's throat!! 2 letters and 1 DVD sent overnight delivery to 1800 plus pilots in just a couple of weeks??!! I wrote "REFUSED" on the DVD package (following orders) and like a boomerang, it was sent right back. At least they stopped trying to tell us they're broke...it'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic...and such a WASTE of money!
Lord Wakefield said:

I'm just glad to have you in the fight!
Thank you my Lord...:)....it's a hard job, but one that is clearly long overdue! It really baffles me that the yes-voting MINORITY can't understand that the longer you let the "bullying" go on, the worse it gets. All one has to do, is compare the TA to the current contract, to see that theory in practice. Likewise, taking a stand THIS time, will make it easier next time!
How do you know the yes voters are a minority?

If you watched the media in the last year and observed the issue of gay marriage, you'd think the whole population was gay too!

I think the noisy minority belongs to the "no" people.

We have no real power as a labor force, no real representation, no unity. We hire scabs and give them a voice on the union message board.

Go to www.fracpilot.com and download the scab list...it's 75 pages long!!

This place would never go on strike and it would be filled with replacements a day later, which would bolster Flight Safety International's earnings.

Sorry...just the facts ma'am, just the facts!
My opinion that the yes voters are in the minority is based on 3 things--my phone calls to the pilots/wives in my state, reports from other wives who have also made calls, the feedback from the pilots on the road, relayed to me by my husband and other pilots that I have spoken to or read their posts.

No unity you say? Tell that to the 116 FOs that will soon receive bypass pay due to the UNIFIED action of the pilotforce!

No real representation? If by that you mean the CURRENT MEC, then I couldn't agree more! However, StrongUnion is doing a fine job and the votes haven't even been counted. That group shows great leadership ability and true concern for the pilots and their families. They have done much behind the scenes organizing already so that they will be fully prepared to REPRESENT and lead the group ASAP.

So much doom and gloom! Are you going as the Grim Reaper for Halloween, Hawkered....:)

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