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If SWA was buying XJT...

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NO! I've seen those guys fly..........THEY SUCK!

If they could, they would, but they can't! :(

In defense of the XJT guys, it's hard to fly the handle bars when your sack is stapled to your leg!:eek:
The fairest thing to do would be to put it to a vote. Take a vote of the combined pilot groups about stapling the AirTran pilots to the SWA seniority list.

This seems to meet all the criteria for being a stupid idea, but let's check, just to be sure:

  • It defies reason
  • It defies logic
  • It defies Allegheny-Mohawk precedent
  • It defies the Bond-McCaskill law
  • It's a recipe for another East-West scenario
Yep, it's a stupid idea, alright!

The reason for negotiation and arbitration is because of the inherent unfairness of a vote to the Pilots in the smaller group.

Sing it, Bob:

"Well, he hands you a nickel
He hands you a dime
He asks you with a grin
If you’re havin’ a good time . . . .

No, I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s brother no more . . . ".
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Wait what if we invert the SWA seniority list. Then staple it to Airtrans. Then put it out for a vote.

SWA FO's would vote yes. Airtran votes yes. Passes. That means it was fair.
This seems to meet all the criteria for being a stupid idea, but let's check, just to be sure:

  • It defies reason
  • It defies logic
  • It defies Allegheny-Mohawk precedent
  • It defies the Bond-McCaskill law
  • It's a recipe for another East-West scenario
Yep, it's a stupid idea, alright!

The reason for negotiation and arbitration is because of the inherent unfairness of a vote to the Pilots in the smaller group.

Sing it, Bob:

"Well, he hands you a nickel
He hands you a dime
He asks you with a grin
If you’re havin’ a good time . . . .

No, I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s brother no more . . . ".

See, the only ones that are against a democratic vote are the Tranny CAs.

Since when is a democratic vote a stupid idea? Oh, only when you're an AirTran CA?

I say put it to a vote among BOTH pilot groups.
Bobby D...you wouldn't get a "no" from the AirTran FO's...you'd get a F**K NO! It's going to arbitration, most likely. Get out your popcorn and watch the show.
See, the only ones that are against a democratic vote are the Tranny CAs.

Since when is a democratic vote a stupid idea? Oh, only when you're an AirTran CA?

I say put it to a vote among BOTH pilot groups.

You mean like the one at USAirways/America West? That was a vote, too.
You mean like the one at USAirways/America West? That was a vote, too.

Huh? Don't know why you think that's relevant.

Quit being a bunch of sissies and put it to a vote. That's the ONLY fair way.

I don't even work there or have a dog in this fight, so as an outside observer, I say you take a vote from the combined group and go with that. Logically, in this case, it seems like a staple of the AirTran list to the SWA list would pass easily.
See, the only ones that are against a democratic vote are the Tranny CAs.

Since when is a democratic vote a stupid idea? Oh, only when you're an AirTran CA?

I say put it to a vote among BOTH pilot groups.

Interesting how you throw in democracy. Try and picture The US Senate and The House of Representatives. I'm not in the mood to educate you on the reasoning of our Founding Fathers but think of AirTran as the state of Rhode Island and Southwest is New York. New York has more congressmen than Little Rhodie but they both have equal representation in the Senate. The Senate has more power in the decision making process than the House for this very reason.

Obviously, 6000 Southwest pilots would overrule the 1700 AirTran pilots. A more "democratic" process would be an equal representation from both parties. Can you dig it?
Huh? Don't know why you think that's relevant.
Because he's applying logic and you're not paying attention.

Quit being a bunch of sissies and put it to a vote. That's the ONLY fair way.
Oh yes, a democratic vote where one side has a 3:1 advantage on the vote outcome is REALLY fair... Are you listening to yourself? Or are you just typing without actually engaging your brain?

I don't even work there or have a dog in this fight, so as an outside observer, I say you take a vote from the combined group and go with that. Logically, in this case, it seems like a staple of the AirTran list to the SWA list would pass easily.
Oh I have no doubt it would.

In this case, let's go back to Ty's example, and I am NOT starting a AWA/UAir debate, only using YOUR idea of a "fair" way to do the integration and how Ty explained it to you and you didn't listen:

Letting a simple majority vote decide the SLI with SWA and AAI would give the advantage 3:1 to Southwest voters. We see what happened at USAir. When they had the ability to force a change of representation vote with a 3:1 majority, they dragged a pilot group with fewer votes along for the ride.

So what you're saying is that you AGREE with the USAirways pilots in their seniority battle, by using superior numbers in a pure vote to dictate terms to another employee group?

THAT'S what you'd have if you applied your twisted logic to this situation. Interesting how NO ONE agrees with you that your idea is in ANY way "fair". You might take a hint from that.

Just a thought...

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