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If i was an owner

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You are making some excellent points. I will tell you this. We have a MEC working hard, and 1800+ people with a whole boat load of ideas.

Guess what they are:

Pay? Yup
Schedule? Yup
Benefits? Yup

I could go on with the list. The point is simple. We are working hard on improving our life style, just as you have done over the years.

Will it happen soon? Hope so, but don't know.

Fly safe!
Good for you!
when is this supposed to happen?
Is the current state of this industry going to hurt your negotiations?
Good Luck to you all!
Gulfstream 200 said:
Why my concern for the 36K/yr Bizjet Captain??

OK, quick example...

Suppose I am suddenly out of work and on the job search.....OK, there is a DA50 position that needs to be crewed in my area..I have a few hours PIC in DA50s and go for it...I interview...the pay is 60K/yr....HOLY $HIT...how can that be?? well...the operator has more than a handful of 36K/yr guys to whom this is a NICE RAISE! They are psyched, finally making a few bucks...great. How can the rest of us compete? Now....a certain level of operator is looking for that level of pilot, but still...its rediculous. This is the most simple example of LOWERING THE BAR that I can cite, but Im sure you get it.

Hey numbnutz, take your very own advise and DON'T take the job!!!!!!! DUHHHHHHH??????? Since you seem to be so distracted by what other people do and make for a living why don"t you take that big time corporate pilot benefit package and start your own business. You can leave this career and you will not have to worry about these fractional pilots dragging down YOUR salary. You can come back to this board and spout all your negativism toward fractional ops and then you can tell me good luck and how much I deserve a raise. Pathetic.....
you are an embarassment to your fellow pilots!

In industries where tips are usual and customary, the "expected" rate is 15% of the bill. So, would it not translate to 15% of the charter bill/flight cost? Do the math and realize how rediculous this tip issue is becoming.

I don't recall any pilots bitching about not being tipped, one just suggested it would be nice. NO , 15% of the bill is out of line, way to take things out of perspective Boss.

you are not doing your research before the interview and potential job offer to find what the industry average salaries are and comparing them to that which is offered, you are likely leaving money on the table.

Define industry average for a Fractional Pilot, since you know so much about it. Seems to me the Leader in fractional aviation is working on "setting the bar" as we speak.

Take pride in the job you do daily. Have enough integrity and self respect to appreciate the job and responsibility you have and do it well. Yes, you are a highly trained and skilled professional. Act like it.


Jesus, you are a piece of work! Who the hell would want to work for you and your hot dog stand? Obviously you don't know much about Fractionals, and didn't bother doing your research before posting here.

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