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If given choice, CRJ or ERJ? And Why...

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Lumber Yak

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2002
I have a classmate who may have an opportunity to bid either CRJ or ERJ with Mesa (currently a 1900D FO). Excluding geographic preferences (CRJs on West Coast and ERJs on East Coast), which aircraft would you prefer to fly as an FO if given the same option?

If you fly either type, what do you like and dislike about it? Are you happy in your aircraft? Either way, he will be happy to fly a jet vs. his droning turboprop...

Thanks for your opinions...
Maybe a droning turboprop.....but he will miss it when he's pushing buttons in a jet that doesn't need him!!!!
Jets that don't need us? That's way off target.....

The CRJ is a lot of fun, I dont know anything about the ERJ, but I havent heard any complaints about it.
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Whatever guys!
Never have flowin the Jungle Jet,
I would chose the CRJ for it's

My choice

The ERJ is nothing but a Brasilia with a swept wing and motors on the tail. Fancy buttons and switches, but the same cheesy, third-world systems.

It is also really noisy because you are pushing a 250kt nose through the air at 300+ knots.

I'd take the CRJ.
Take the CRJ. I used to work for a company that flew the 135 and 145, and I hated flying in the thing. Ride was not as comfortable as the CRJ. Plus, our company had so many mechanical issues with the ERJs, you'd never know they were brand spankin' new airplanes. The ERJ just seems cheap and flimsy compared to the CRJ.
upgrade in the 1900 is not a possibility because all the CRJ-ERJ FO's bidding CA in the 1900. I ma a mesa pilot going thru the same thing. Go CRJ

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