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If given choice, CRJ or ERJ? And Why...

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I'll speak in favor of the ERJ. Haven't flown the CRJ so I can't really compare, but the Jungle Jet was a blast to fly. No, the ERJ isn't just a stretch Brasilia with fancey push buttons instead of switches. It's way more computerized and automated than the emb-120. Some common complaints from the average line pilot was crappy wx radar, and it's inability to climb with any rate of speed (though CRJ pilots bitch about that too).
I've never flown the 135/145, but I have 3000+ hours in the 120, and coming up on 2000 in the CRJ. I can tell you without a doubt, Canadair builds a better quality product. Not to knock the Embraer, it's a good airplane, but I really think the level of engineering and attention to detail is higher in the CRJ.

Also, as previously mentioned, the Jungle Jet is LOUD inside. (I've ridden in the cabin and the cockpit pre 9/11) The CRJ is much quieter. And when it comes to engines, the CRJ is the hands down winner. Knowing your engine was originally designed for combat use gives one a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

I only know one person who'd flown both the ERJ and CRJ (Eagle) and he says he prefers the CRJ as well. (Granted, he's on the -700, which is not an apples to apples comparison as 145 vs -200 would be)
All this talk about the ERJ being so loud, has anybody every been in a turboprop?
Both are good planes, the CRJ is better, but choose the one that will let you hold the best line.
Obviously we are all splitting hairs here. I currently fly the EMB 135/140/145 series of jets and I am really enjoying them. Other than a pesky APU problem that doesn't seem to want to go away (it usually seems to be happening on the older jets by the way), my experience with the airplane is that it has been pretty reliable. It's a good climber at the lower and higher altitudes but a lousy climber in the middle altitudes (My observation is that the engineers have programmed the FADECs to produce too little climb thrust in the middle altitudes. Until we get into the high 20's to low 30's the N1's are usually only in the 88% to 89% range. Then suddenly they begin to rise toward the 94% to 95% range and, surprise surprise, the airplane begins to accelerate and climb again). The Honeywell Primus 1000 avionics system and UNS-1K FMS's are user friendly and very capable. The cockpit is loud, but I've been in the CRJ cockpit a few times and it's deafening too (come on CRJ folks, you know it's true).

Both airplanes are great birds and I would be just as happy flying either one. Just my opinion.

The CRJ700, on the other hand... ;)
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He doesnt have the choice between the CRJ and ERJ, there are no more ERJ deliveries for MESA and therefore no classes scheduled for the ERJ.
Now if it were up to me I would just take the BJ in a t-prop and forget about those jets!!
Go for the CRJ!

The ERJ is definitely a lot noisier. AAsRedHeadedbro, the CRJ's with the old wiper design were the noisy ones. I think Comair has a lot of those. The newer ones are alot quiter than most of the big jets. I usually take off the headset and listen on speaker above 10,000.

As for climb rate, the CRJ is terrible in the summer months, as is the ERJ I understand. Above FL210 we're usually doing less than 1000 fpm if full. Above FL270 you're happy just to maintain 500 fpm. Once you get to cruise it's fast though. The company likes us to do 0.74 buts alot of guys do 0.80.

The CRJ has one of the best autopilots and overall avionics packages in the industry. All we're lacking is autothrottle. The CRJ is an excellent airplane. Since must of us are going to be at the regionals for alot longer than we originally thought, this is a great airplane to be in for the next few years.
Re: well

JP11 said:
...Only complaint about riding on the CRJ is that it feels like the spar just cracked in half when the gear comes down. If you are sitting above the gear, it seems like someone just kicked you in the A$$.

I almost $hit my pants the first time I rode in the back of the CRJ. Anyone know if the Challenger is just as loud?
the CRJ's with the old wiper design were the noisy ones. I think Comair has a lot of those. The newer ones are alot quiter than most of the big jets.

Come to think of it, the two rides I had in a CRJ were on COMAIR.

As for climb rate, the CRJ is terrible in the summer months, as is the ERJ I understand. Above FL210 we're usually doing less than 1000 fpm if full. Above FL270 you're happy just to maintain 500 fpm.

Well, the 140 is definitely NOT a good climber, but it's not quite as bad as you describe the CRJ's performance.:rolleyes: The 145 is a little better than the 140 and the 135 is a GREAT climber. That one's fun to fly!

Again, I'd take either airplane. Matters not to me.
I would suggest we're missing more than just auto-throttles.

A fan sync would be nice. A Vnav coupling would be nice. FADEC would be good too.

A fellow Whiskey pilot.

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