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When there is problem with a flight, which of these do you think is the first question asked" #1 Who was the F/O? or #2 Who was the Captain? We all know someone who is a decent stick, but you would never trust them in the left with your kids on board the airplane. That is why the Captain gets the bigger bucks
igneousy2 said:
And military guys don't need to pay rent. They get a pension after 20 years, and if they come out early they are in the reserves, and when the industry tanks, they just volunteer to go back to active duty. Then they come back when it's all over like they never left.

Igneousy? Should be Ignorant. Where do you get the idea military pilots don't pay rent? We get BAH (housing allowance) but it rarely covers "the rent" (or the mortgage) anywhere I've been stationed. If you do live on base (and I'd say most don't), you don't get the BAH. You're not automatically in the reserves...you have to join a reserve unit or Guard unit if you want to keep flying military and keep getting paid. Yes, you can be called back to Active Duty, but that's not the same as still flying in the Reserves/Guard. If you DO volunteer to go back on active duty, it's not automatic they'll take you.

And it should be like they never left. What about the dudes that get recalled and have to go fight? Fair that they should take a hit from their regular employer? I hope I'm misreading your tone, but you sound a little bitter toward the military pilots and the route they took. Like I said, they get paid more than regional dudes, but a 3rd year F/O at a major airline makes more cash than a Squadron Commander (LtC), does 5% of the work, and has less than 1% of the responsibility.
pilotyip said:
Fly because you like to, if you are in it for the money you may be disappointed.
Type because you like to see your words on a public forum. If you're doing it for any other reason, you may be disappointed.

Sorry, couldn't help myself. I seriously tried to stop but my fingers kept going...
acaTerry said:
The CA is not paid more for their talent, they are paid for all the "Captain stuff and the ultimate rrsponsibility.

Very good, Terry, you now understand the pilot heirarchy. But if you read the quote that you noted, you'll notice I never asked why the Captain is paid more than the FO. Yip implied that the SIC's "talent" is what is keeping him from being anything more than a CPA, teacher, or Doctor (and reaping those salaries), just because an SIC traditionally programs the boxes. Well whoopdie-do. I may be an SIC now but I still have about quadrouple the PIC hours than I do SIC hours (and not in 172s either for those of you who will speculate). So does this mean I just took a step backward in the talent pool? Seems so by yip's rationale.

The original question was asked about pay, so if you want the discussion to stay on pay, don't mention talent.
Since nobody answered the original question save one or two, I'd like to ask it again:

What *realistically* would NJA pilots want to see their pay be, and what *realistically* do you think will be settled for? If you don't want to put your figures here, PM them to me.

Once again, no flame bait, just trying to get a gouge on the situtation.
Boiler, estimates are all over the map, and the union hasn't released the recent pilot salary survey info. I'm going to need to see at LEAST NBAA high end wages for equipment, and full retro, or I'll be voting no. Many NJA pilots are holding out for higher wages. Will we get it? Who knows.
The reason you're probably not getting much participation on this issue is most of us figure why should we tell everybody and their brother what our personal mins are? It doesn't make sense during negotiations.
Thank you for the responses, gentlemen.

High-end NBAA ballpark will suffice. Good luck with the new union, and I hope you get most, if not all, of what you want.

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