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How are TDY assignments handled at....

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You do get the min day. The contract is quite clear over it.

Did you talk to the chief pilots? Did you file a grievance fact sheet?

The contract is not at all clear on this topic. They TDY section has almost no guidance on this. I have talked to the union and they are supposed to be meeting with the company over this. What that means, I don't really know.
I take it back. Under compensation it is pretty black and white... Literally!

A reserve pilot will be paid and credited the greater of paragraphs (3)(a)
or (3)(b) below.
(a) Three (3) hours and forty-five (45) minutes of credit for each
calendar day of duty and/or calendar day away from domicile. This
provision will not apply to time spent in training (not including OE)
and CDOs; or
(b) Four (4) hours of credit for each ready reserve assignment.
SkyWest gives you min daily guarantee (3.75 hrs) per day you are TDY'd and do not fly OR whatever you fly (DH, fly etc), whichever is greater. This goes towards breaking guarantee where as sitting in domicile waiting to get called equates to no credit toward breaking the 75 hr guarantee for the month.

Is your working agreement online somewhere? Our union would like to see that in writing that you get paid for that.
the company says its a domicle change and this doesnt apply. Been ther done that already.

Directly form SH

It seems like this is a VERY gray area that looks more and more like it favors the company. Yes it is a domicile change, so should I get my moving expenses? No it is only a temporary change... So I am away from domicile then? No you are in domicile. So I get my moving expenses right?... no..... etc.
Moving Expenses
1. The Company will pay moving expenses to a pilot who is:
a. Involuntarily displaced to another domicile;
Last edited:
D. Temporary Duty
1. A temporary duty (“TDY”) assignment is an assignment to a reserve pilot
of less than one (1) month duration at a domicile other than the pilot’s
permanent position. A pilot may indicate a preference for a voluntary
TDY assignment on his monthly bid form. The Company will consider
those preferences when making TDY assignments.
2. A pilot with a TDY assignment will be provided:
a. Per diem in accordance with Section 5.A.;
b. Lodging in accordance with Section 5.B.;
c. Transportation to and from a TDY assignment will be online positive
3. A pilot can be assigned involuntary TDY only one (1) time per month,
unless waived by the pilot.

I don't remember seeing that TDY preference on our bid options do you? The big problem is compensation doesn't define permanent domicile, it just says away from domicile. So the company just says you are in a domicile.
Hmmm interesting. That may help. I think all we want here is our min day (or a little more) plus per diem.

What saddens me is the fact that ASA would even consider not paying us. I was holding hope the company would not start sh!tting on the morale of those actually dong the work especially with a new carrier/base opening. S.H. J.A> B.H. should be ashamed of themselves.
Hmmm interesting. That may help. I think all we want here is our min day (or a little more) plus per diem.

What saddens me is the fact that ASA would even consider not paying us. I was holding hope the company would not start sh!tting on the morale of those actually dong the work especially with a new carrier/base opening. S.H. J.A> B.H. should be ashamed of themselves.

The really sad thing is that it's not likely to be actually paid out. Most reserves are not breaking guarantee. It's simply for bucket ordering.
When I was up there last week I emailed Tomlin and he said we get Min Day.

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