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Horizon to furlough 40 pilots

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That's the problem...only the ********************ty regionals grow. The rest shrink and furlough.

I don't know about that-SkyWest in one of the top regionals to work for-but their days of growing may be strongly affected by the United/CAL merger (scope).
I have lots of friends who work for QX, and I wish them all luck.
Here's one ----- QX Management has no idea what they are doing. 83 people have been on furlough for 19+ months. After 4 years on furlough those people on furlough are removed from the seniority list. Bye bye.
Basically the first few groups of furloughs are coming up on 2 years this fall. I have always thought that they were never coming back anyway based on our fleet plan of 48 airplanes. The number of pilots needed to staff those planes would never bring them back. This place has been nothing more than a huge disappointment. A great group of employees, but an awful and greedy bunch of idiots running the company. Funny thing is, in the mid to late 90's Horizon was bigger than SkyWest and QX has been flying jets since before the RJ was even thought of. Nothing like moving back in time to shrink and be an all turboprop fleet. Like I said the Q400 is going to ruin this airline. They are unreliable, fly in the weather instead of above it for 2 hour flights. It's capacity is hurting our small markets and they keep reducing frequency in to our small markets and provide bad connection opportunities.
40 pilots, 40 FA's and 40 Mechanics gone huh? So how many managers and office staff were let go as well? I mean it seems only fair they take their hit as well.
QX is negotiations right? Just negotiate a 6 year recall into a new agreement.

I agree but look at the bigger picture.

Who would want to come back to a regional after 6 years on furlough? Hopefully by then you'll have found a job that pays more. Heck, in that time you could go to nursing school and already a few years seniority at a hospital in downtown Seattle making great money.

Just sayin'.
With this move, the carrier will layoff 40 flight attendants and 40 mechanics on Aug. 22 and 40 pilots in early November, all according to seniority.
Read more: Horizon to furlough 120 - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle)

They forgot to mention the dispatchers that will get furloughed too! :(
This thread is missing one major point. Horizon pilots and mechanics are in open contract negotiations. The pilot group is on the verge of voting for a TA which most assuredly incorporates pay cuts. With this being said, why on earth would Horizon be the company of milk and honey during these times. Instead, management will make it the worst possible place to be until they get what they want- a pay cut. Conversely, what if management was doing the opposite; making this a great place to be, valuing its employees, etc. Then the company would have no position of leverage with regards to contract negotiations. Its just a game. Some will be able to wait it out better than others. My guess is that when all the pay cuts are in place Horizon will grow with Q400 options going to an LAX base. Management is creating doom and gloom and times of uncertainty (even while maintaining profitability) in order to position themselves for another 9 to 10-year cost structure that suits them.
The pilot group is on the verge of voting for a TA which most assuredly incorporates pay cuts.

WHAT!!! Are you freaking kidding me? As if it isn't bad enough for regional pilots to take pay cuts when their company is in bankruptcy, now a regional pilot group is going to take pay cuts when their company isn't even bankrupt? I just can't see how this industry can get any worse, then I hear garbage like this. The airline industry has gotten what they want, and that is over half of the domestic flights in this country being flown by the puke regionals because of the significantly lower labor costs, and they can't even spread a little of the savings the pilots way huh? Airline management truly needs to be lined up and mowed down!!!

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