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Hire ASA hire!!!!!

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Nah, only the nerds were hall monitors. I was a crossing guard.

Hall monitors were nerds-sure, but that's much better than being a totally gay crossing guard.
Data... I am sure he did not spend 51 minutes thinking of a come back. He probably left to go do something useful outside. Secondly, we do not have anyone furloughed anymore. So yes, it is both. We were complaining about being so short staffed and complaining that we HAD pilots on furlough.

I also read an email today that the GO is looking for ATL reserve pilots to volunteer for TDY reserve in IAD. I called scheduling to ask about it and they said they would actually try to build you a line first which would most likely happen and then if nothing else put you on reserve.

When Delta offers you flying, you take it, regardless of what your staffing levels are. If Brad had said we need time to analyze our staffing levels Delta would have moved to the next Delta Connection carrier and we wouldn't be having this discussion. The furloughs would still be furloughed and your line values would still be sub-75. Ok, I get it, we should have the staffing levels set so that the people that want to work a lot one month can and then nothing the next if they're tired (based on their personal needs, of course), anything less than that sucks and ASA can suck it. Is that about right? Nevermind that there are other carriers out there who, by the way, run their businesses to make a profit for the shareholders, let's make this place summer camp with airplanes, for our enjoyment and profit, of course. Nevermind, I forgot the rule of FI, it's simply a flamer's paradise (no CRJ567, not that kind of flamer, keep your pants on), so I'll stick with the stuff you guys are more comfortable with... MESA SUX! </rant>
When Delta offers you flying, you take it, regardless of what your staffing levels are. If Brad had said we need time to analyze our staffing levels Delta would have moved to the next Delta Connection carrier and we wouldn't be having this discussion. The furloughs would still be furloughed and your line values would still be sub-75. Ok, I get it, we should have the staffing levels set so that the people that want to work a lot one month can and then nothing the next if they're tired (based on their personal needs, of course), anything less than that sucks and ASA can suck it. Is that about right? Nevermind that there are other carriers out there who, by the way, run their businesses to make a profit for the shareholders, let's make this place summer camp with airplanes, for our enjoyment and profit, of course. Nevermind, I forgot the rule of FI, it's simply a flamer's paradise (no CRJ567, not that kind of flamer, keep your pants on), so I'll stick with the stuff you guys are more comfortable with... MESA SUX! </rant>

Data...quit trying to use logic with these idiots...It won't work...
The furloughs are recalled but not all are online yet

The downgraded Captains are not back

Hiring pilots now would hardly change things now but I'm all for it.

Like someone else said, enjoy the extra pay and find the good in life, it's way too short.
Once all the furloughs are back and PBS is in effect, we won't be short staffed anymore...
Data... I am sure he did not spend 51 minutes thinking of a come back. He probably left to go do something useful outside. Secondly, we do not have anyone furloughed anymore. So yes, it is both. We were complaining about being so short staffed and complaining that we HAD pilots on furlough.

I also read an email today that the GO is looking for ATL reserve pilots to volunteer for TDY reserve in IAD. I called scheduling to ask about it and they said they would actually try to build you a line first which would most likely happen and then if nothing else put you on reserve.

What! Building lines for TDYs!? I'm going to have to talk to someone about this. If anything the lines should be built for IAD based reserves first then TDY ATL pilots to sit reserve.
The furloughs are recalled but not all are online yet

The downgraded Captains are not back

Hiring pilots now would hardly change things now but I'm all for it.

Like someone else said, enjoy the extra pay and find the good in life, it's way too short.

Several of the displaced captains ARE back. However, not all took the opportunity to re-upgrade, since they will be comuting to short call reserve in IAD. I just finished up OE two days ago with a cluster of pilots, and we're hitting the groud running.

I could see misjudging our staffing by a few pilots, but this many!?! Come on! We needed to be a little fat with expectation of more flying than anticipated. It happened like this last year, and the year before that, and before that, and before that........... Somebody dropped the ball, and they dropped it BAD. I'm hoping we get this fixed, and more importantly, I hope we learn from this. PBS will help, but it isn't the magic fix they think it will be, in my opinion.

I would like to see us hire and upgrade more folks. Without doubt, we've earned a bit of a respite this fall, as we have all paid our collective dues this summer. We're flying to the max, well at the expense of our life styles outside of work. Quite frankly we've lived to work for the past few months, and we can't keep this pace up without relief. Don't get me wrong, I want Atlantic Southeast to do well and succeed, but I want to have a life outside of work as well- I need the time recoup such that I can recharge to provide a safe, on time operation with a clear head and a touch of sanity.

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