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High school kids

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This discussion about kids and parents brings up a major peeve of mine.

My current job is police/EMS dispatcher in rural Alaska. I realize that people who call the PD usually need assistance, and aren't at their best. But, at least in my little part of the world the biggest problem seems to be a rash of people not willing to be responsible for themselves or their kids.

A couple of examples:

About two weeks ago I was working a graveyard shift, and through the night I fielded 6 calls from the same person. She reported that her 15 year old daughter was out drinking. Each time she called she informed me of 3 or 4 places where her daughter might be. She also repeated several times that she was "really worried." Each time this lady called, I asked her if she had gone out looking for her daughter. Each time the answer was "No, I don't want to go out." She also sounded sober. This was a pretty busy night for our small department and the three officers I had on duty were on calls nonstop all night. My big problem with this whole thing, was that she felt that the PD should be responsible for taking care of her daughter. Also it was a nice night, warm (by our standards), no rain, no high winds.......

A couple of nights later I received several (I lost count) calls from a male in his early thirties who said that his live-in girl friend and their young daughter had not come home yet, he was afraid the girlfriend was drinking somewhere. He too had a list of a places where she might be, he too was unwilling to go out an look for them. This story has a pi$$ off factor ending. Before this guy even called I had been informed by the local crisis center that the woman and her daughter where hiding out there because the boyfriend had gotten drunk and violent. Later on in the day (after I was off duty) The girlfriend decided that she didn't want to stay at the crisis center and went home. The boyfriend was drunk again and beat the hell out of the daughter.


OK I've had my rant for the evening.
OtterFO said:


Simple...because all of the 'Bleeding-hearts' have brainwashed the vast majority of this country into believing that everyones' a victim. Its really sad when someone commits a crime and / or is negligent and gets off because the accused was a 'victim' of something in his/her past and couldn't control their actions. The ULTRA-Liberals in this country have created a subculture of mediocrity and laziness within our school systems and removed the cornerstones of discipline and obedience that these children desperately need in elementary school, for example the pledge of allegiance...not to mention the nepotism toward minorities which creates even more laziness (affirmative action)...These ultra-liberals are just as dangerous to the country as the ultra-conservative wackos. The liberal media just chooses not to go there. I'm getting off my soapbox and going to church...
toneal said:
A teacher should not be discussing pay with his or her students... and school is not the place for that conversation

In that case a pilot shouldn't talk about his pay. He can talk about whatever the he1l he wants to. It was in civics and one of the topics was teacher pay. Can you honestly tell me that you don't know what a pilot gets paid and who told you what a pilot get's paid, another pilot. I don't see any differences b/t the pilot and teacher...........
Gulfstream 200 said:

got news for you bro...New Mexico is a dump.
drunk Indians and rowdy Mexicans.

Quit all your complaining, hookup the trailer, and move if you cant beal with the problems.

99% of us dont live anywhere like you describe.

The world is NOT falling apart, kids are NOT all killing each other, beating up teachers, or selling drugs. I got news for you, kids today are WAY smarter than years ago. They are computer and tech savy. YES, they like things NOW (internet, overnight fedex) but whats so wrong about that??

Oh I know, 17 miles to school in a snowstorm uphill both ways.....yeah... yeah but a SMART kid would rather ride in a cozy Range Rover or just stay home and surf the web..

You sure about that. 3 out of 4 kids in my school smoke. Every one I know gets drunk every weekend and then brag about it. We had two riots in our first week, which was only 3 days long, and we have about an arrest daily. There was also a huge fight at the first football game b/t the cops and the miltown gang. So maybe in your area kids aren't falling apart, but down here in Delaware...................
Paladin said:
Simple...because all of the 'Bleeding-hearts' have brainwashed the vast majority of this country into believing that everyones' a victim. Its really sad when someone commits a crime and / or is negligent and gets off because the accused was a 'victim' of something in his/her past and couldn't control their actions. The ULTRA-Liberals in this country have created a subculture of mediocrity and laziness within our school systems and removed the cornerstones of discipline and obedience that these children desperately need in elementary school, for example the pledge of allegiance...not to mention the nepotism toward minorities which creates even more laziness (affirmative action)...These ultra-liberals are just as dangerous to the country as the ultra-conservative wackos. The liberal media just chooses not to go there. I'm getting off my soapbox and going to church...

Wow, you can make a direct connection between between pathetic parenting and liberal doctrine. I'm sorry, I see the same erosion of responsibility from fairly conservative parts of society, so I don't buy your assignment of blame. Here's a story that contradicts your political slant from one of the web's conservative e-rags:


What are little girls made of? Not sugar and spice, but fish guts and beer

Kathleen Parker

May 14, 2003

Girls will be girls. Give them a couple of kegs, some pig intestines and a bucket of human feces and, well, stuff happens.

So goes some of the attitude out there passing for commentary following the brutal "powder-puff" melee in which senior high-school girls attacked junior girls during a traditional hazing rite.

By now most have seen the video shot by a bystander to this strange incident. Girls were beaten with fists and buckets, smeared with feces and animal guts, forced to eat raw meat and mud. Five girls were hospitalized, including one with a broken ankle and another with a cut requiring 10 stitches.


Apparently the hazing was an exaggerated version of an annual event among female football players at Glenbrook North High School in Northbrook, Ill., a suburb north of Chicago. The younger girls knowingly signed up to be abused, but not physically hurt. Those were the unwritten rules, such as they were.

But rules have a funny way of getting broken, especially when alcohol is present and parents are missing. The "powder-puff" ritual was held in a "secret" place and was lubricated with a couple of kegs of beer that police say may have been procured by parents. One parent also may have helped collect the feces, according to early reports.

It's hard to put a finger on exactly what makes this so disturbing. The fact that girls did this to other girls? That the degree of abuse was so severe? That we see so clearly the fragile barrier between "just folks" and just animals?

Maybe it's all of that, but also something more. The acts of violence are by definition despicable, but we've seen worse. Teen gang members kill each other. Boys with guns shoot their teachers and classmates. Increasing aggression among girls born to a grrrrrl nation has been noted, studied and documented.

No, what's disturbing and frankly creepy about the "powder-puff" implosion is the apparent lack of remorse, empathy or insight -or any of the responses we might expect from well-adjusted, sensitive human beings -either from participants or among observers.

There's something very wrong with this picture, and it may well be us. We see something horrible and don't even recognize it as such. Just another day of Reality TV. Or life imitating art. Or, whatever , as they say. We've become so desensitized by various media's near-constant barrage of coarse, aggressive behavior that we fail to note when something's gone terribly wrong.

Several of the students quoted in a recent Chicago Sun-Times story, for example, said the juniors got what they deserved. Others said girls beating up girls wasn't "news." One jarring quote from a girl involved in the beatings captures the lack of empathy. Noting that one girl needed several stitches in her head, she said something like: "It's not like she's dead."

The churlish feminist angle, best accompanied presumably by a chorus of grunts, snorts and Hooahs, was equally disturbing if somewhat predictable. Chicago Sun-Times columnist Debra Pickett wrote that the powder-puff episode merely demonstrates that girls have learned to play like boys and signals that it's time to stop our hand-wringing about little girls' self-esteem.

Pickett acknowledged that things got out of hand and that the perps deserve punishment, but "they don't deserve to be burned at the stake of tragically troubled girlhood." She dismissed adult concerns as obligatory and arbitrary.

"The girls -both the ones doing the pounding and the ones sitting there and taking it like Marines -looked just as strong, fierce and stupid as any guys ever have." And by this measure, we should be reassured? Will we break out the champagne when a girl totes an automatic weapon to school and levels a playground?

I have never doubted that girls are as capable as boys in most arenas not requiring physical strength, long ago rejected the girl-as-victim lament, and join Pickett in her contempt for hand-wringing. But we part company in rationalizing aggression in girls as somehow reflective of parity with boys.

It is indeed an obligation of adults to be concerned when things go bump in the culture, and grown-ups are clearly absent from the video and possibly some of these girls' lives. What I saw in the film wasn't tough girls taking it like Marines but a complete breakdown of inhibition and all the other painstakingly stitched manners that keep civilization from unraveling.

No one should look forward to the sequel.

Northbrook is one of the most affluent, conservative suburbs of Chicago. Obviously, though, the residents aren't immune to the erosion of morals that I believe is responsible for this kind of activity. Many people rely on religion as a crutch for moral behavior, but I see church doctrine failing in circumstances such as these since the falsely penitent can simply go to church on Saturday or Sunday and consider themselves absolved of all sin. Personally, several of the most egregiously mean spirited acts every directed at me or my family were performed by people who considered themselves devoutly religious. Blaming the weak moral situation in this country on political beliefs is selfish masturbation.

This article was published immediately following the hazing incident. I could have dismissed it as a disturbing aberration, but the actions of the parents in the wake of this incident made me realize that the children were simply acting in the manner in which they were taught. Of the thirty students suspended of expelled because of this incident, at least four had their parents suing the school in state and Federal Court to relax the discipline so their kids could graduate with their class and go to the prom. WTFO? Don't believe me? Here's a link:


Obviously their sense of morality and ethics are completely f'd up. Trying to paint this as a political failing is not going to work.
Citationkid said:
In that case a pilot shouldn't talk about his pay. He can talk about whatever the he1l he wants to. It was in civics and one of the topics was teacher pay. Can you honestly tell me that you don't know what a pilot gets paid and who told you what a pilot get's paid, another pilot. I don't see any differences b/t the pilot and teacher...........
Couple of comments on the subject:

1. CitationKid, I suggest you quit swearing. It doesn't make you sound smarter or more cool. Like it or not, we all know you're 14 or 15 yrs old. Doesn't make a hill of beans diff on an Internet BB, but you'll end up doing it in "real life" one day, and that adult will think less of you.

2. Counter girl makes an excellent pt. Adults, parents both are excelling these days at pushing off their responsibilities. And the leftists/bureaucrats are all too happy to grab ahold of the responsibility and create some program to manage it for you.

3. lawyers are the epitome of a virus on society. They're a parasitic, destructive group that does not fit into free enterprise. If (plaintiffs) lawyers are so helpful, then why is it you almost cannot get solo student pilot insurance for a tailwheel plane that worked just fine for tens of thousands of pilot trainees over the last 60-70 yrs? why did the light GA market get "taxed"/sued into near oblivion in the 80's? Why do lawyers alwats win? What (free enterprise) business sector *always* wins.

4. Last, teachers need to preserve a professional relationship between themselves and their students. You do not ask you boss what he makes in the professional world. You, therefore, do not ask or allow teachers to tell students what they make in the teaching world. Like it or not, their not your buddy, their your boss/teacher.
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A very intelligent and well put together post...
I think I need to reemphasize something which I wrote though. I was in no way blaming the demise of the moral and ethical foundation this country was founded upon on liberal doctrine. He!!, I'm NOT a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter). I'm merely laying some blame on the Ultra-liberal, crazy-a$$, political correct police out there who have stripped many of the discipline based activities from our school systems. I agree with you completely as far as your argument is concerned...but I feel that we're compairing apples and oranges. Bad parenting knows no socio-economic boundries. But children spend more time in school than they do with their parents and this is, unfortunately, where many of the kids' values are established. The breakdown is a result of taking discipline out of schools...and this I blame the Ultra-liberal, political correct-nazis for...again, just my $.02.

I have not had time to read everyone's posts here but I did read the original. Having just graduated from high school, I have a few comments to add. I am sure that I will be bashed but I have no problem with that. Most teachers in America are doing their jobs. My mom has been a teacher and I know how hard it really is for them to do a job well done. So many people in politics say today that the schools are failing and such due to teachers. That to me is complete garbage. Why are kids screwing up? It starts at the home. The home is everything. Mommy and Daddy is why kids misbehave and swear at their teachers all day with absolutely no respect. And look at society. Parents work more and more to support their families while their kids sit at home on the x box. I am not trying to say the x box is bad or anything. I am just trying to show that society is changing and such. My mom quit teaching because she did not want to put up with the you know what from all the little you know whats. The homelife is the most important part of an education and that is where it starts. Teachers are doing their jobs to the best of their ability most of the time. If kids do not want to be in school, we should not make them. It just makes a distraction for all the kids who want to be there and want to learn on a daily basis. Think of how much money could be spent on other things if less was spent on kids who waste their teachers time. I know I babbled a little too long but I just felt like sharing my opinion.

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