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737 Pylt said:
Oh bite me...Chuck had it coming, he was nothing but a trouble maker..

Chuck pushed the envelope, no doubt about that, but how about you threatening him on another thread. Isn't that also a good reason to get banned? I think so. Before the moderator "fixed" your post you threatened harm to him if you ever found out who he was.

Not only am I surprised, I am disappointed that you too didn't get penalized for 10 days. I believe the moderator didn't use good judgment on this one.
Ty Webb said:
And you are obviously still an unedumacated trailer-dwelling, mindless, masturbating moron . . . . . so what's new?

As for da Best Pilot, I no be he, mon . . . . sorry.

As you might say....


Is that the best you got Ty?

BTW I think I was on your flight the other day, you know the one were you spilled everyones beverages at 31000 and then managed to land us crabbed in a 5 knot crosswind with 3 bounces to boot. Keep up the good work making us all look like better pilots and message board posters.
fletch717 said:
Actually, chuckie is using his time off to spend with all his male "friends"

If his written etiquette on this board is an indication, Chuckie doesn’t have any friends hence such bitterness, ill will, & wishing harm to others. The dude’s own coworkers denounce him...

Eagle Flip, why only ten days? If he didn’t learn the first time, what makes you think he’ll ever learn?

BTW, "I better not find out who he is" (by Pylt) is no threat by any measure. Do not infer what is not implied. The reason for the difference in reprimand is, unlike Pylt, Chuck has had a very consistent & colorful recent past.
73-Driver said:
As you might say....


Is that the best you got Ty?

BTW I think I was on your flight the other day, you know the one were you spilled everyones beverages at 31000 and then managed to land us crabbed in a 5 knot crosswind with 3 bounces to boot.

Uh, nooooo, don't think so, Chief . . . . I was "getting busy" at your house 'round about that time . . . . . but at least now we all know who the idiot is that checks on at "31,000 feet".

If you do happen to be on my flight, though, when I am carrying a load of your guys from DFW to ATL, make sure to come up front and introduce yourself. I'll be happy to free up your seat for someone else.
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73-Driver said:
As you might say....


Is that the best you got Ty?

BTW I think I was on your flight the other day, you know the one were you spilled everyones beverages at 31000 and then managed to land us crabbed in a 5 knot crosswind with 3 bounces to boot. Keep up the good work making us all look like better pilots and message board posters.

Such a great pilot as yourself has never been in turbulence, because you're god right? that would explain all your perfect landings. Go back to the training forums, maybe you can impress those guys with your superior airmanship rookie.
Ty Webb said:
Uh, nooooo, don't think so, Chief . . . . I was "getting busy" at your house 'round about that time . . . . . but at least now we all know who the idiot is that checks on at "31,000 feet".

If you do happen to be on my flight, though, when I am carrying a load of your guys from DFW to ATL, make sure to come up front and introduce yourself. I'll be happy to free up your seat for someone else.

Yawn and then zzzzzzz........

At least now I can tell the Vet what we think might be wrong with our dog. Thanks Ty!

BTW. Who said anything about checking in at three one oh. Or were you refering to yourself?
fletch717 said:
Such a great pilot as yourself has never been in turbulence, because you're god right? that would explain all your perfect landings. Go back to the training forums, maybe you can impress those guys with your superior airmanship rookie.


It's a joke! Lighten up!
73-Driver said:
Yawn and then zzzzzzz........

At least now I can tell the Vet what we think might be wrong with our dog. Thanks Ty!

She was an ugly beast, to be sure, but still a human.
Now that Ty Webb is history, how about banning the wimp who started this thread? You guys are right. This clown is a cry babby.

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