If there is something about boom mikes, it is a new one on me. Of course, that is not too hard.
I know that earpieces were the most popular earphone type at my airline. Virtually all FEs, FOs, and Captains wore them. Boom mikes were the exception.
Now, we were cargo but I jumpseated on American a lot (back in the days that we could do that) and earpieces without boom mikes were pretty popular there too.
I was under the impression that the only time a boom mike was required was on an aircraft certified for single pilot operation such as some of the Citations.
If there is something about boom mikes, it is a new one on me. Of course, that is not too hard.
I know that earpieces were the most popular earphone type at my airline. Virtually all FEs, FOs, and Captains wore them. Boom mikes were the exception.
Now, we were cargo but I jumpseated on American a lot (back in the days that we could do that) and earpieces without boom mikes were pretty popular there too.
I was under the impression that the only time a boom mike was required was on an aircraft certified for single pilot operation such as some of the Citations.