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Guns In The Cockpit

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Well-known member
May 13, 2004
Do any charter companies allow their pilots to be armed? No company names need to be mentioned. Also, for your charter pilots, how would you feel about a FFDO program for charter like they have for 121 pilots? Sometimes I feel like we are more defenseless in the cockpit than airline pilots, especially in those cockpits without doors to the cabin.
There is no need for a FFDO program for 135. The authority is already there. It is up to the discretion of the operator. The sticky part is where local laws come into effect on the ground.

CaptainSpaz said:
The authority is already there. It is up to the discretion of the operator.

Where does this autority come from? Or is it just the case that nothing in the regs prevents it?
Hey badguy, ever heard of URT?

If you've got a comprehensive 135 Manual it should also address this issue either pro or con. The company likely won't want anywhere near that liability.
We've had crews transport armed individuals escorting high profile prisoners and I agree its uncomfortable, but there's a reason the pilots have a 5-point harness and if it starts to get ugly you can bet I'll put mine to good use.
The on-demand outfit I work for screens our customers very carefully. Positive ID, no-cash policy, mostly repeat clients anyway. I used to be an LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), and I can truthfully say that when I'm flying, I am focused solely on the safety of the airplane and pax. The last thing I want to do is to be carrying - chances are a bad guy will wind up taking the firearm away while I'm busy and use it on me or someone else. In a secured cockpit environment under 121 rules, maybe - 135, no way.
Guns in the cockpit? Only if they won't fit in the back. How about golf clubs? ;) TC
Go ahead - make a move on the cockpit and see how it feels to be pinned to the ceiling and then bounce around the cabin like a ping pong ball - all while the cabin is being dumped at FL410!!

I'll take my chances without the gun - thanks.

BTW - TrafficDawg is right on!

let me guess....you're from Kalifornia. We fully expect you to be afraid of guns. You have no choice either, your government wont let you have one on yourself anyhow! - (regardless of what the Constitution says) You guys get what you deserve. Only the gangbangers and criminals can have weapons in Kali.

as far as your heroic acrobatics and pressurization dumps at FL410. good luck with that after your throat is slit or you're shot in the noggin.

I do agree a gun may not do any good in an open cockpit like 135 operations. ..but not that someone is going to take it (you are trained right?) but you wont even see thiers coming...I would not want ot be flying any sizeable aircraft (read target) 135 these days, period.

As far as trusting your life to your employers "screening" process. Jesus that scary! but again, kinda expected from Kalifornians!

If for any reason some terroritst wanted your little learjet all he has to do is call a broker, get a flight, put a pistol in his briefcase, walk through the pretty FBO (uhh...security?), hop in back, have a coke, let you climb to XXXX ALT - and then walk up and shoot you in the head. Its now his. Nevermind your acrobatics and pressurization antics buddy - you never saw it coming.

Now, consider yourself lucky that most learjets wouldnt do much damage and may not be a real target. notice I said MAY. glad Im not in that situation to wonder.

"pin them to the cieling and dump the cabin"


are you freakin' kidding me there Patty Wagstaff?!!

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