No pilots have been let go. Growth has been pretty flat for the past year and a half. Supposed to hire around 25-30 before the end of the year. This is driven by four new deliveries scheduled before Jan 05 (2 G-400s and 2 G-550s). Starting pay is around 66-67K without a G rating, low 70K with.
Is the 5000 total time a hard requirement? I've seen EJI ads quoting their pilots having a minimum of 5K or better. Wondering if it would exclude someone with low total time, but a couple of G-ratings and good time in type. Thanks.
I don't think anything posted is a hard requirement. There seem to be exceptions to every "rule". I've seen guys get hired here with no jet time and less than 4000 total, if you know the right people. For somebody who's not a special case, I think they look at the quality of experience more than a number. That's my opinion based on what I've seen. If you average the whole pilot groups flight time, I'm sure it's well above 5000 hours.
Hard to say right now about upgrade time. I wouldn't expect anything before 5 years for a new hire now, maybe longer. There are a lot of older guys at the top of the pack. We have around 230 pilots on staff right now and around 50 are over 60 yrs old. There will be a fair amount of turnover in the next 5 years I would imagine. This isn't the easiest kind of work for a young guy, let alone 60 plus. As for the G ratings, not a requirement.
Everyone remember, EJM is a "Management Company." If an aircraft comes onboard, they hire. No union, customer driven. They are a totally different entity than the fractional side.
Some new hires have gone to the G5 in the past, companies choice based on needs at the time. Percentage of international flying is hard to peg. I'd say 20% of my flying is international not counting Canada, Mexico, and the Carribean. Some guys do more, some less. Majority of G4 international trips are to Western Europe. I personally haven't ventured far outside of Europe. Couple trips to Eastern Europe and the Middle East. There are trips working to anywhere you can imagine. Scheduling tries to find guys who are willing to extend beyond their normal schedule to work long trips to keep crew issues at a minimum. There are some G4 trips to the Far East but most are being run in the G5. Trips to China for the G5 are starting to be as routine as a trip to London in the G4. As for the exotic places, it's hard to say. I know it's not often enough! The bad part is all these cool places look the same with your eyes closed. With the level of activity we have anymore, you don't stay anywhere too long. Guys who live out West tend to get out to Hawaii quite a bit more than the East coast guys. East coast guys tend to do more Europe trips. Good luck to ya Heavy!
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