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Growing worldwide pilot shortage

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I'm not so sure the pilot shortage is really global. In the US, it's a pretty good time to be an entry level pilot, to be sure, and in asia/middle east, it's a really good time to be a jet captain. What's important to remember is that there are only a few places in the world that produce a large number of pilots, and the US is one of them. The developing countries that need pilots don't have the infrastructure to create them, so the contract options for qualified pilots are excellent right now. Even Japan, which is hardly developing, has great aviation opportunities just because it's in a position to take advantage of the asian aviation boom.

I'm not sure what that's going to mean for the US market yet. Hindsight might be right about the overall pay going down in the US, but if the US carriers have to start being competitive with the oil-producing countries and China (which, for the time being, has wonderful resources with which to pay pilots) I doubt it will be a long-term effect. It's such a dynamic industry it's really hard to make predictions beyond about 5 years or so.

At least for me, but what do I know. I just work here.
Exactly, in the world of Freedman's "Flat world" there are economic forces that may open up employment opportunities in developing nations, all it means for domestic passenger travel in the US is an overall reduction in compensation, even with the increase in volume.

:) That is one long fracking sentence. And that is one of your short one's.

From what I've read, I believe that, overall, the foreign airlines pay MORE than the US ones, which, along with their basic demand for pilots, would tend to INCREASE pay for US based pilots.

*I think the above sentence was LONGER?*

Increased pay is good, typically.

Maybe now Europe will come off their high-horse about JARs. I have an ICAO license, for crying out loud!!!

Look at the add on this site for ATP flight instructors. They are offering $500 signing bonus plus $2000 a month salary. I know its not anything great but I know for a fact 2 years ago there was no signing bonus and the salary was $1000 a month. The crunch is starting to happen at the bottom and will hopefully work its way up.
At CommutAir the the last couple of new hire class have been really small due to lack of people. There is now a $500 referral bonus. The rumor was we had a class where they wanted 20 people, offer letters to 18, 6 showed up and 2 left during ground school. I think the most recent class they wanted to hire 4, so the gameplan was to interview 10 and offer employment to 8 thinking half won't show up. Well they only manage 4 interviews all were hired.
You guys are so lucky to American.

I'm Canadian, and have an FAA CPL AMEL, Instrument, in addition to Canadian licenses.

It's tough in Canada if you're low time -and these are "good times". We just don't have the same market dynamics that the US does.

What I would give to be an American right now.

Anyone hiring FAA license holders in the Caribbean or elsewhere.
You guys are so lucky to American.

I'm Canadian, and have an FAA CPL AMEL, Instrument, in addition to Canadian licenses.

It's tough in Canada if you're low time -and these are "good times". We just don't have the same market dynamics that the US does.

What I would give to be an American right now.

Anyone hiring FAA license holders in the Caribbean or elsewhere.

Make sure that 350 pounder has money, because you will starve with the wages some of these companies pay

Already married...

I'm fortunate that I'm in a financial position that I can afford to work for peanuts and not have to rely on aviation to support myself.

In some countries you can buy citizenship... you can do that in the US, sorta, but you need to create jobs and invest $1,000,000 or something.

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