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Do worry there will be tons of stuff that will have to be hammered out! But why would anyone wanna leave RP and come fly a old worn out Dash 8 anyway?
WSurf said:
Do worry there will be tons of stuff that will have to be hammered out! But why would anyone wanna leave RP and come fly a old worn out Dash 8 anyway?

Don't think they do. Most will be E-170 Captains by summer if these AAA recalls keep going. All J4J classes are filled as of 3/20. But there may be MDA CEL furloughees who mightt want to come back.

trainer8 said:
Five? Captains or FOs?

As far as EFIS...don't shoot the messenger, I'm sharing the info. Check it out for yourself.
Captains. Again, they're the ones I know about (flown with, can point them out in a crowd, they know my name, etc) in the past few months. Not a flood, for sure. Which further illustrates the lack of seats to be had recently for the displaced guys- the ones that don't want to push us out.

Now EFIS is the deal breaker? Dang. Shuuuure is faintzy, with them vector graphics and all. EICAS and all that whiz-bang stuff? Dang again. Do they display engine condition in dynes, and airspeed in decimeters/week? Must be UTTERLY alien stuff.

Nobody in this industry is trainable, from what I gather. Isn't the old saw about the intransitive property of flying cubs and concordes true anymore, or hoowhat?
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Remember the saying about the Future Cockpit! It will be a Dog and a Pilot! The pilot is there to feed the Dog, and the Dog is there to bite his hand if he touches anything!!!
The dogs have to pay for training, and their union isn't happy about it.....
PA31Ho said:
apparently everybody that interviewed at piedmont today got sent home after the written test... they changed the test fyi

Not good for me! Time to crack the ATP book. . .
mnalpha said:
confirmed from SBY base re-alinment. PHF, and CLT are going bye-bye

Well that was only a matter of time! I feel for the CLT people (once FL people) now those folks are looking at 2 Leg commutes! Man, and you had 17 year Captains sitting reserve in CLT!! Grrrrrrr!

EWN is Bad, really bad!!! You CLT and PHF folks don't wanna come down to this hick town.... its terrible!!! LOL, Jking!!! Good Luck to all those folks if this is true!!!
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What does this mean, again? I am pretty new at this airline game, but isn't KPHP in S.Dakota? When did PDT spread its wings there? :)

What about new hires? What bases are slim on FOs right now?
so what does that mean for the last guy on the totem pole in EWN? I'm only guessing bad things.. lol

and what the hell is PHP?
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