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Grandstanding @sshole Mainline Pilots

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Ah those losers will never have the balls to take back their flying. Dude hope we score some more deliveries. I need to upgrade soon. I've been stuck as an FO for two years now...

Statement by Captain Wendy Morse, Chairman, United Master Executive Council, Air Line Pilots Association, International and Captain Jay Pierce, Chairman, Continental Master Executive Council, Air Line Pilots Association, International Regarding the Closing of the Merger Between United Airlines and Continental Airlines

Published: Friday, 1 Oct 2010 | 10:13 AM ET

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CHICAGO and HOUSTON, Oct 01, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The following is a statement by Captain Wendy Morse United Master Executive Council, Air Line Pilots Association, International and Captain Jay Pierce, Chairman, Continental Master Executive Council, Air Line Pilots Association, International: "Today, United Airlines and Continental Airlines officially closed on the merger that creates the world's largest airline. We congratulate the Company for this milestone in our airline's history and recognize the celebratory mood as the new CEO and other company
officials make the rounds to hubs across the system to mark the occasion.

"While the jovial mood of the new United management team is understandable, the pilots of the combined airline are not yet ready to celebrate. We will welcome the true closing of the merger, which will happen only after a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) with the pilots is achieved and the two pilot groups are combined. Then and only then will management be able to call this merger a success and realize the advertised synergies.

"It is too soon for celebration today over a corporate merger closing. We must remind the new United management that absent a pilot contract ratified by the pilots of both airlines, United will not achieve the touted synergies from this merger. Negotiations between the Joint Negotiating Committee and the Company continue and, to this point, are moving forward. But much work remains.

"No issue carries more weight than scope and the cessation of outsourcing. The pilots of Continental and United Airlines believe the time is right to correct the wrongs of the past with solutions that benefit our pilots. We believe it is our responsibility, to our pilots and to our passengers, to remind management that the business of an airline is to fly - not to outsource flying to the lowest bidder or to merely act as a ticket agent. When customers choose an airline, they rightly expect to receive service from that airline, with pilots employed and trained by that airline at the controls.

"Airline pilots throughout the world are taking notice of our stance and fight for job and scope protections. The industry is watching. The sooner management recognizes our determination and resilience regarding the protection of our jobs, the sooner they can enjoy the real fruits of this merger. It's time for a new beginning, a clean slate for United Airlines, for the pilots and for our passengers. We look forward to being able to join the new CEO and his management team in celebrating the new United Airlines. We will reserve our celebration for when the job is done and we have a JCBA in place that rewards the skill, training and responsibilities of our pilots and rightly returns flying to our airline. Until that time, management will be celebrating alone."

SOURCE United Master Executive Council of the Air Line Pilots Association; Continental Master Executive Council of the Air Line Pilots Association www.prnewswire.com Copyright (C) 2010 PR Newswire. All rights reserved -0- KEYWORD: Illinois

That Grandstanding As*****le Mainline Pilot is probably doing more for your stupid career than you obviously realize. Idiot.

Oh wait... you want weekends off and 75K. Aim low, you won't be disappointed.
SWA has one of the best scope in the industry, educate yourself.

Yeah, but you guys at SWA were also champions of the Age 65 rule. Remember that? How many of your guys celebrated when that came to fruition? I guess many of the old geezers there couldn't stay away from 5-6 sector days for 3-5 more years. Thanks a lot for setting most of us all back many, many years....
I've been stuck as an FO for two years now...

Hey DORKWAD - I've been stuck as an FO for five years, then again for three years, unemployed, and now stuck as an FO for another two years, and probably will be an FO for another three plus years.

Oh yes, and I didn't get hired into the right seat of a 121 jet at 600 hours either.

Why don't you go over in the corner and have a nice hot cup of shut-the-#&@!-up while the adults talk about how to try and make this career decent for snot nosed dipwads like you.


Ok, edit to apologize to the OP, who clarified that he was being sarcastic in his original comments - I didn't read the entire thread before replying, and the opening gambit obviously pushed a button. That said, I'm leaving the text for those to whom it DOES apply - you know who you are.
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trying to get away from using the word, "scope" Outsourcing is more accurate.

IMHO we should also get away from using, "Regional Airlines". "Contract carriers" is a better term. (or cheap labor )

Not ragging on the regional guys, it's not like you allowed and negotiated these contracts. But when UAL furloughs 1400 pilots and replaces the 737 flying with 70 seat aircraft. Well, you try to get it back.
A drum roll please....

Welcome to the NEW "B" SCALE!

They will f*ck over the new guys to capture the flying. Be ready to languish for years at sub-par wages while hoping for a chance to fly the big iron. Ironic considering I have been doing the same here at Mesa, only to look forward to more of the same at some other airline.

But you truly have absolutely nothing to look forward too at Mesa. If you are on a mainline list, flying mainline equipment, then you can move up commensurate seniority and equipment/base availability. All you have too look forward to at Mesa, forever, is to be abused by your management by a ball-less union -and trust me, having been on both sides of the coin, there is a HUGE difference between abused major and regional pilots. Our Continental contract sucks, but it isn't nearly as bad as my days at Transtates or the Mesa subsidiary (now defunct) AirMidwest.

You are kidding yourself and you are being extremely shortsighted to think you are somehow better off with Mesa. That idea is simply absurd.
That Grandstanding As*****le Mainline Pilot is probably doing more for your stupid career than you obviously realize. Idiot.

Oh wait... you want weekends off and 75K. Aim low, you won't be disappointed.

Hmm even though I'm passing year 4 at the New UAL, I will prob barely make 75K. I d@mn sure can't touch weekends off thanks to our VP of Flight Ops being a vindictive @sshole. Read the thread pal, it's sarcasm that is brought out by those in the regional ranks that have somehow accepted the fact that mainline jobs dying off is a necessary evil.
But you truly have absolutely nothing to look forward too at Mesa. If you are on a mainline list, flying mainline equipment, then you can move up commensurate seniority and equipment/base availability. All you have too look forward to at Mesa, forever, is to be abused by your management by a ball-less union -and trust me, having been on both sides of the coin, there is a HUGE difference between abused major and regional pilots. Our Continental contract sucks, but it isn't nearly as bad as my days at Transtates or the Mesa subsidiary (now defunct) AirMidwest.

You are kidding yourself and you are being extremely shortsighted to think you are somehow better off with Mesa. That idea is simply absurd.

I agree with your post. I would never call my situation a Mesa anything close to ideal. I will have to live with my decisions and make the best if it.

My point was that I feel that the path of least resistance for the new United MEC to capture the regional feed will be to create a new "B" scale for anyone coming onto the property.

It is probably coming, for better or worse.

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