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Goodnight Irene

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Now that is a soap box I like! I respect that position.

Do me one favor though. Ensure the new recruits actually want to be "soldiers." A lot of the newbies coming in as I was leaving had a hard time with getting dirty. Too many Private Benjamins looking to milk out some benefits. I am sure the MC was very different than the Army, but still. The money or college funds shouldn't be the deciding factor to serve your country.

Hoohah!, shthot!, drive on! and all that sort of thing.
Grant me the strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference."

Looks like you weren't granted **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**, dude
What now.... You don't like Calvin and Hobbes?

The guys I spoke to that are interested in joining the reserves are good people - you would certainly want them in your unit. 2 want to go fly fixed wing while one wants to go fly something different - i.e., helos.
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(and I tried to take a voluntary leave of absence to save a spot for someone who needs this job)

No, I just have a problem with people like yourself voting on something that affects others who actually need a paycheck.

Do everyone a favor and abstain voting if you don't care what happens to your airline. Just for your jazzy PIC time that won't be worth a nickel? (no pun intended)....

A majority of pilots are working to support their family. Trust me, no one gives a darn about your military service, masters degree and all that BS. I'm here to fly airplanes and get paid for it. You show your lack of integrity, experience and judgement if you put priority on anything else. So do your co-workers a favor- don't vote.
Just when you think you've seen it all, along comes this. Try and be a Good Samaritan and take a voluntary leave of absence (to those on the outside, it eventually was not offered for my domicile and seat) to help out and still you can't please some people. And if you want to get technical, if 50.1% of us don't vote the TA gets decided upon by the MEC - which would be yes.

Also, I got a couple of calls today - one from a F.O. of the same seniority and another from a respected captain. Both said the same thing: relunctantly "Yes." (and neither is in the military.) We all care what happens to our airline - we just have a different interpretation of the situation and our response to it.

Finally, the fact that I didn't put all of my eggs into the aviation basket is irrelevant - I want my company to succeed and the pilots to have jobs. However, everybody needs a contigency plan(s) in the event their airline folds or they lose their medical (I've had both happen to friends already.)
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