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Good news and Bad news for MESA

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Aggghh! I guess it just hit me - I may be a little slow - but I just realized that atpcliff and pilotyip are (supposedly) two different people. I had always melded them into one persona given the similary of their posts, USAJet shilling and all.
WHO THE FCUK GIVES A ******************** ABOUT USA JET. THIS A TOPIC ABOUT MESA AND THE SUMBAGS WHO WORK THERE (PILOTS AND JO)! They're all the same in my book....Cant say it was just JO that fcuked everybody in the industry...It was all you Mesa ****************************** bags that let him!
The BOD has been real quiet if they did ask JO to resign (as in no public announcements). IF he did say no, we will see if the heat gets turned up on him. As someone else said, JO is a shrewd business man, thus I'm sure he'd play something as a trump card (most likely the China venture) to keep him and his posse in business.

The UAL/YV love/hate affair continues...however there are a couple of loose ends...mainly the recently negotiated contract to operate some 700s for 10 years as UAX...Also not so long ago UA was impressed enough with the YV Dash 8 operation in DEN to ask YV to place more of the type up there, or so the story goes. JO apparently shot himself in the foot as he didn't want to entertain the notion of adding more props to the fleet.
And your point is?

WHO THE FCUK GIVES A ******************** ABOUT USA JET. THIS A TOPIC ABOUT MESA AND THE SUMBAGS WHO WORK THERE (PILOTS AND JO)! They're all the same in my book....Cant say it was just JO that fcuked everybody in the industry...It was all you Mesa ****************************** bags that let him!
What someone posts about USA Jet I have to respond, it is genetic thing I guess?

My buddy said he had heard last Fri that JO was asked to resign.

USA Jet, basically, never has anyone leave for a regional.

A couple/3 years ago, mgmt decided to do an across-the-board pay cut instead of a furlough (they would've had to have furloughed about 1/2 of the pilots). They cut everyone's pay and work days by about 1/3.

At that time, we had a whole class of new hires leave (who would've been the first guys to be furloughed-everyone else stayed). One or two of them went to regionals. One guy went to Gemini and then UPS shortly after-so it worked great for him!

Ironically, the DC-9 guys actually made more money with the pay cut, because they got VERY busy during the pay cut (the pay was cut by lowering the monthly hourly guarantee-when it got busy, they flew WAY over guarantee). The Falcon guys did lose some money. I lucked out, because I enjoyed my 14 days off, and my wife made up the money by being able to work more because I was home more.

Now, back to discussing how bad things are at Mesa.

I just had a REALLY BAD thought. If JO leaves, the guy/girl (probably not) who replaces him could be WORSE!


PS-If any of ya'll want to go to a USA Jet thread and tell us how bad Mesa is, if it'll make you feel better, go for it!!!
Your contribution to the thread is "I heard JO was asked to resign" which we already knew, followed by a paragraph of still more USAJet spamming, followed by "gee wouldn't it suck if they got someone worse than JO? PS CHECK OUT USAJET #1!"

Seriously, what is pilotyip offering for Top Salesman? A brand new 81 civic airport car? A gently overused pager? Perhaps the top seller gets a hard day off?

Ok then. Back to USA Jet.

EVERY day off is a hard day. You only fly on a day off if you agree to-then you get 4 hours of pay ($92/hour for a 5 year Falcon Capt), or you bank your day to use later.

I used to work at Trans States, and I helped people go there, if they wanted to. I tell everybody who asks the good and bad of USA Jet, and before that Trans States.

I did not get to fly for 10 years, and I like to help people that want to fly, get the opportunity to.

I hope Mesa goes under, and other "good" regionals buy the aircraft and take the pilots. That way, everyone gets a decent job, and mgmt gets to see what happens when you REALLY screw up your job as a Manager/CEO. Hopefully, it'll be a lesson in what not to do for future airline managers.


PS-I'm pretty sure I applied at Mesa, and just like everywhere else-they wouldn't interview me-not enough experience.

PPS-I haven't heard confirmation of JO asked to resign. Anyone else have details???
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So Cliff you gonna fly pax?
Could the moderator please move any post referring to USA jet to a different thread.

I doubt you could too many CEO;s worse than J.O. , but I have been wrong before. Mesa folks- good luck with ousting him.

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