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Good news and Bad news for MESA

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USA Jet is a small enough company that they can go from adequately staffed to understaffed in just a few weeks. With the time to train and get a new hire online, it is in their best interest to continue looking for qualified candidates. I do think this strategy is working for them considering the current industry progressions. I have worked for both, and although I am relatively new to USA Jet... Comparing Mesa to USA Jet is like comparing rotten fish eggs to caviar. Both are the same, but yet so much different. I also agree in depleting the Mesa Pilots. If each of you recruited a Mesa Pilot, that Company would be history in a matter of months.
It is not fair to compare us to NJ. We are in the pay your dues category, a place you come to get the skills to go to NJ. NJ is a career position. Many of our pilots are flying there and love it. So guys if you are not $69K NJ material like RP170 come over to USA Jet and get the skills to make your next move. BTW tell me where else can a 1000TT pilot start at $34K?

You're putting 1000 hour pilots into DC-9's ?

I'd like to ask that your aircraft not fly anywhere near my house, if you don't mind..........rebuilding is too expensive.
You're putting 1000 hour pilots into DC-9's ?

I'd like to ask that your aircraft not fly anywhere near my house, if you don't mind..........rebuilding is too expensive.

Haven't there been a few comparisons between the DC9 and the Emb 170/190-CRJ7/900 families of aircraft as far as size? If so what does that say about the pilots at Republic, Shuttle America, and all the other operartors who have those larger "regional" aircraft? So, the DC9 doesn't have the Nintendo flight deck. Just curious.
Other people do

You're putting 1000 hour pilots into DC-9's ?

I'd like to ask that your aircraft not fly anywhere near my house, if you don't mind..........rebuilding is too expensive.
Navy and USAF put 300 hour piltos in the C-9. It is not the hours that make the pilot. Is is the quality of their training, we happened to have a fantastic training program, It is about 2 months after being hired before a pilot gets into the seat of a DC-9. We have a fantasitc safety record, have never been violated, have passed every gov't inspection ever given wiht no findings. We do it right and with the the right pilto we can put 1000 hours pilot in the right seat of hte DC-9. $38K, top start, not a bad place for a 1000TT pilot.
Navy and USAF put 300 hour piltos in the C-9. It is not the hours that make the pilot. Is is the quality of their training, we happened to have a fantastic training program, It is about 2 months after being hired before a pilot gets into the seat of a DC-9.

I agree with the training, but you can't really compare military to civilian training. The Part 61/141, 250 hr, "Zero to Hero" pilot, as compared to a newly trained militray pilot, lacks standardization.

It's the law of primacy and strict controls in the military programs that allow them to take that 300 hr pilot right in to a C9, C5, C17, or even a single pilot tactical fighter. The civilian students might have developed, for lasck of a better term, bad habits due to the training environment.

The military controls the training from day 1 and the pilot is a known quantity when they enter the flight deck of that transport. The civilian pilot who meets the comany in an interview and passes a checkride has been "seen" by the company for only about 25 hours or so. Case in point: awhile back, I was doing a check out with a guy in a 172. He went to an academy school and got his tickets (no CFI though). After stopping his first stall recovery, we had a chat. He swore that his instructor (after talking about all the low passes they use to do) taught him to recover with full opposite aileron ("The Rudder? Why").

He had the license, but the training left something to be desired. The military can mitigate the risk by increasing the quality control of the finished product, in this case the new C-9 pilot. No garbage in, no garbage out.
Now back to your regular, scheduled program ............

Mesa sucks!!!

BTW, heard that the UAL dumping MESA rumor is reality - both sides want it, UAL is killing MESA with the contract they signed and MESA is in talks to get out of it. Apparently, RAH and SkyWest are the preferred vendors for this block of business, but neither can ramp up fast enough to commit.
Apparently, RAH and SkyWest are the preferred vendors for this block of business, but neither can ramp up fast enough to commit.

Too bad United pilots aren't the "preferred vendors."

My buddy said JO was asked to resign, and he refused.

From what I know/have heard (I've talked to 4 of them), the 5 Mesa guys at USA Jet are liking it.

They have all done great, so if U R at Mesa and want to get out, check out USA Jet.

If u PM me with your email, I will send a bunch of info.

A number of guys at USA Jet have left/will interview at NetJets. Like Randy said, compare NetJets to NWA/DAL, CAL, SWA, FedEx, Emirates, Cathay, etc.

Compare USA Jet to other mid-level career jobs. You started somewhere else, and went to USA Jet for a much better job and a stepping stone to a career job.

Note: A number of guys, mostly who live in the MI/OH area have chosen USA Jet as a career. U can also fly here, like NetJets, if you're over 60. We just had an older guy-almost 60-got here about 6 months ago, who just upgraded to Falcon capt/instructor.


PS-Heard Mesa lost about 80 pilots in Oct, and already 80 the first 1/2 of Nov.
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Dunno cliff, I had a buddy at USAJet and he said it was a real POS operation. He went on to fly for AWAC and said it was a huge improvement.

Compared to Mesa, though, USAJet is almost a major!

Mesa sux!
Grass is greener?

Dunno cliff, I had a buddy at USAJet and he said it was a real POS operation. He went on to fly for AWAC and said it was a huge improvement.

Compared to Mesa, though, USAJet is almost a major!

Mesa sux!
Funny, We just had a AWAC guy come to USA Jet for QOL and pay. He wanted more time at home and saw a pay increase going into the DC-9 as a F/O over F/O on a RJ.

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