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Godless atheists, at it again!

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Remember me? I'm the one with satan in my heart.

Not anymore. Your arteries are so d@mn clogged up I had to leave. Lay off that BBQ, dude.


Too bad we can't post polls anymore. I think a good one would be ...

Jesus v.s. Mohommad - Who would win a bare-knuckle fist fight?

Jesus v.s. Joseph Smith - Handbags at 50 paces?

Jesus v.s. the Buddha - Austrailian D!ck-wrestling?

Minh "Spawn of Satan" Thong

You asked me a loaded question, and I tried to give you an honest answer.

Now let me ask you something: what lead you to have undying faith in something that can not be proven? Does it stem from a paralyzing fear of death? Or is your faith in "God" born out of a need to explain things we humans are not capable of understanding yet?
Not anymore. Your arteries are so d@mn clogged up I had to leave. Lay off that BBQ, dude. Thanks, Beelzebub

If you can get onthebeach to ratify that, perhaps I'm to be released from my fiery torment. Not a minute too soon, either. I was nearly out of Gatoraide.

Slight correction on the second post. Jesus vs. Mohamad would be placing two contemporaries in opposition. A fair question. Jesus vs. the Buddah while slightly incongruous, still a reasonable comparison. However, Jesus vs. Joseph Smith isn't. Joseph Smith only claimed to have seen and spoken with Jesus, and to be a follower and disciple of Jesus. Neither Mohamad nor the Buddah would fit that category.

Jesus vs. Joseph Smith would be a little like pitting George Bush against the republican party, whereas the other comparisons are more like front runners in opposition parties. But before we drag diety into the conflict, why not just do as the great Master Charlie Daniels set forth nearly three decades ago, in The Devil Went Down to Georgia...do it with dueling banjos?

Never was a better suggestion laid forth to thward the wily darts of the Adversary, than dual banjos to the death, or eternam condemnation, whichever comes first.
It was fiddles.

Oh, mama! It's a portent, an omen! It's the End Times fer sher. Avbug was wrong about something. :)
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When one is born again (John 3:3), it is no longer a matter of proving that God exists. The Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of each born again Christian and he/she KNOWS the truth. We are truly blessed to have the Holy Spirit. Back during the days of Jesus, his deciples didn't have the Holy Spirit...that's why the never truly understood that Jesus was fully man and fully God.

Isaiah 55...8"My thoughts are completely different from yours," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. 9For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

We don't need to fully understand the majesty and mystery of God to believe.
We don't need to fully understand the majesty and mystery of God to believe
Well ... that's a d@mn good thing, cause I don't know many rational men who swallow the whole spiel ... hook, line, and sinker. :D

1st Doyle:Ch 2:Verse 1 "This one begat that one, that one begat this one, and lo and behold someone said some $hit. I don't understand any of it."

And lo ... Doyle did speaketh a mighty truth ... then Carl putteth the lawnmower blade thru his forehead with a might swing ... and he was no more.



(You'd be shocked to know that two or three Sunday mornings a month I'm sitting my happy fat @ss in a Methodist church pew. :D )
Axel said:
This (is a) question of why a man of faith is faithful.

I had attempted with the following statement; posed as a question:
Do you do good deeds because you are a man of God or are you a man of God because you do good deeds?

While you, Super 80, and I share certain beliefs, and each of us believes equally deeply; our beliefs, or more accurately, our methods and doctrine are considerably different. That does not mean one is right and one wrong. Nor does it mean one of us is doomed to the other's Hell and the other can yell "TOL-JA" in the afterlife.

This is why this message board format is a poor substitute in sharing the Gospel, and sharing one's beliefs. I can answer questions easier on an academic point than get through with my actual faith.

Being good, or religious does not mean you get to heaven if you take what is plainly written in the Bible that Jesus said in any plain sense of the language.

This is not my doctrine. This is not I say so. This is Jesus Christ's testimony.

Now if you accept Christ in your heart and profess with your mouth, the Bible plainly says you're saved.

However, once you do that, there ought to be some life changes made in the individual. I was growing before. With some watershed moments of difficulty, I have become less like what I was before I began my walk began. Once I started to obey by getting baptized at 40, 23 years after my profession of faith when I began to believe in my heart; I started to bear fruit. Three years ago, I started putting my personal safety in God's hands and quit 15 years of self-defense, and I became more fruitful -not because of what I gave up, but because I was trusting the Lord to provide for me. Recently, I have had through prayer and difficulties come to place my life more and more in the hands of the Lord, and the fruits of that are becoming evident even more. The more I humble myself before God, the more I try to be like Christ in my walk, running away from sin and temptation and running to the Lord, the more I grow in the Lord, and the more I see the fruit of being a Christian: peace, love, goodness, joy, kindness, patience, gentleness and self-control.

Now you can work to attain those qualities, but if you don't profess that Jesus is Lord, the Bible says you will die in your sin.

Jesus is the benchmark, not how you live your life. If you live your life for Christ, you will have all those benefits, but you can live like that without Christ, but not have life everlasting through Christ.

Now if you want to believe you can get to heaven by being good, have at it. But that is not what Jesus says.

I don't condemn you to death forever. I am not your Judge. No one is going to telling you I told you so because as far as I can determine from my study, the great multitude from every tribe nation, language and people is going to be raised in heavenly bodies, without all the worldly fleshly desires we have now, and our focus is going to be on worship, not going nyah-nyah-nyah.

As far as your signature goes, I wasn't trying to go off on it, but I thought that line was a great launching point for the worldly focus those that reject God look to for their salvation - and it's all for naught.

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