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Godless atheists, at it again!

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High Stakes

Typhoon1244 said:
I would never voluntarily fly with someone who owned that bumper sticker and really believed in it.

It's a perfect illustration of something described in another bumper sticker: "Religion is a crutch for people who can't think for themselves."

Wow! The arrogance against religion is unreal in the numerous posts regarding this subject. It's one thing to inquisitly question whether God exists and what are God's true intentions/values. It's quite another to proudly denounce in public through supposed humorous ways that God is a sham. Stakes are pretty high, reference possible eternity. Let me ask you, do you truley believe God does not exist or does your high hope that God does not exist cloud your beliefs?
Re: High Stakes

Originally posted by Fly2Scuba
The arrogance against religion is unreal in the numerous posts regarding this subject.
I know! It rivals the arrogance of those who believe they have all the answers because they've memorized the Bible.
Let me ask you, do you truley believe God does not exist or does your high hope that God does not exist cloud your beliefs?
"You proceed from a false assumption." (Capt. Spock, Star Trek II.) I do not hope "God" does not exist. The fact is that I can not prove whether or not he does exist...and neither can you.

Of this I am certain: no one on Earth can possibly know the nature or motivation of "God." Not you, not me, not Pat Robertson. Not even Super 80. To declare "this is what God wants" is the height of arrogance.

I do suspect, however, that if "He" exists, abandoning observation and deduction in favor of "faith in God" is one of the greatest sins in his eyes.
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Re: High Stakes

Fly2Scuba said:
Typhoon1244 said:
I would never voluntarily fly with someone who owned that bumper sticker and really believed in it.

It's a perfect illustration of something described in another bumper sticker: "Religion is a crutch for people who can't think for themselves."

Wow! The arrogance against religion is unreal in the numerous posts regarding this subject. It's one thing to inquisitly question whether God exists and what are God's true intentions/values. It's quite another to proudly denounce in public through supposed humorous ways that God is a sham. Stakes are pretty high, reference possible eternity. Let me ask you, do you truley believe God does not exist or does your high hope that God does not exist cloud your beliefs?

well if you'd paid attention to his previous post he clearly states he's an agnostic

I'm reminded of another favorite quote of mine;
KM: Religion is the opiate of the masses
SF: For god's dark ways, no one has yet invented a lantern
Do you do good deeds because you are a man of God or are you a man of God because you do good deeds?

The most common fallacy of a religious debate is the attempt to equate Man's rules to God's law and/or God's rules to Man's law. Both sides of the debate are equally succeptible to this pitfall.

For the record, I am deeply religious in my beliefs, but am suspicious of any doctrine or requirement to express my faith invented my men. Even more so when threatened with perdition for non-compliance.
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Axel said:
For the record, I am deeply religious in my beliefs, but am suspicious of any doctrine or requirement to express my faith invented my men. Even more so when threatened with perdition for non-compliance.
Jesus made specific claims to be God. He said He was the only way to the Father.

So if Jesus' claims are true, then it's not invented by man, and thus is not eliminated from your requirements.
Axel said:
The sun is coming! And the sun is a star! And it's spinning through space! And we're spinning through space around the sun! And there's STUFF to do!

A whole bunch of stuff! Important stuff! Fate of the universe stuff! Really, truly big important stuff!
Well, well, well. If this is all true, and you're going to be dead in fifty years or less, and there is nothing past this existence, and when all you have becomes someone else's, and all your accomplishments are for naught, when your offspring four and five generations away have no memory of you -- why go on? Worse yet, the sun is going to supernova and everything on earth will be burnt up. Kind of puts worrying about your 401K plan in a whole different light.

The hopelessness of the humanist worldview gives no comfort whatsoever except in the removal of all bounds of restraint upon the individual so he can enjoy his brief moment of life in hedonist selfish pleasure which is meaningless and passing like the wind, unseen and only felt for the moment. What a sad predicament in which to live.
I have it on DVD.

Onthebeach, you sanctimonious pinhead, keep your forgiveness and unholy selfrighteousness to yourself. Remember me? I'm the one with satan in my heart. Boring a little pinhole, waiting to get out and get you. Better hide, brightspark. He's coming fast. Can you feel it?

I know I can. I never used to be able to, until you piped up and told me he was there. Go to ground and hide. You're next. Pray hard, close your eyes, clutch your ragged bible to your chest and hope for a miracle. My heart today your head tomorrow, and then who knows where?

When you feel that fiery pitchfork pressing the flesh of your backside, think of me. Remember quietly to yourself, it's my fault. The devil was in my heart...you put him there, but he's coming for you.

Why do you suppose that is, mate? Is it perhaps because you give christianity a bad name? You know it's so.

Pluck that beam from your own eye before you strike out to remove the mote from my own, will you? Be a good little christian, and give it a shot. After all, Jesus told you to. It's the least you can do.
Whoa up there, Super 80. That is not what I said at all.

This was not the question of whether God created man or vice-versa, but the question of why a man of faith is faithful.

I absolutely refute the assertion by any man, of any faith, that if I do not worship in the fashion and by the doctrine prescribed by that man that I am doomed to that man's version of Hell.

I had attempted with the following statement; posed as a question:

Do you do good deeds because you are a man of God or are you a man of God because you do good deeds?

to define religious identity without singling out a specific belief system. Let me rephrase with the caveat that the use of the term "you" in the following is generic and is not intended as a specific question or challenge to any individual or their beliefs.

(Clearing throat, a-hem) Are you a Christian because you believe in Christ or do you believe in Christ because you are a Christian?

It is, I guess, a chicken or the egg question. You could also substitute any religious symbol, diety or personage and still be asking the same question. (e.g. Buddhist/Buddha, Muslim/ Mohammed, Pagan/Graven Image, etc...)

The entire point is that the propensity for anyone to condemn the beliefs of another simply because they do not coincide with their own has resulted in untold death, destruction and misery since the dawn of time and no religious belief system is innocent in this regard. Look at Ireland.

While you, Super 80, and I share certain beliefs, and each of us believes equally deeply; our beliefs, or more accurately, our methods and doctrine are considerably different. That does not mean one is right and one wrong. Nor does it mean one of us is doomed to the other's Hell and the other can yell "TOL-JA" in the afterlife.

God knows what is in my heart and I do not need to prove anything by jumping through man-made hoops under threat of eternal d@mnation. This is true of ALL men.

As far as my signature line, it is nothing more than a whimsical quote taken from a very cute short story about stuffed animals. In your fervor you just read way, way to much into it.
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You go, Dash 8! Gotta keep it light.:)

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