Let me guess, that marriage of yours didn't work out? If you are single and want to live in the Sandpit, go for it. Just don't get caught making out on the beach in Dubai, it can land you in jail. Flying there will NEVER be the same as living in the States and enjoying normal freedoms we do on a consistant basis. It's fun to fly to far away places, but being able to end a trip and go home and relax is priceless. You can try to say it's the same with your villas and expats in the same area, but it's just not. To each his own, and I hope 1015 gets to go to Doha (for Qatari) and stays out there.
Bye Bye---General Lee
Wrong. After seeing too many poor old bitter divorced mainline guys who were shelling out 70% of their income on alimony and child support, I didn't take that route (ring a bell?).
Your kissing on the beach story is not the full story. What actually happened was the police walked up on two people who were naked and kissing on the beach, apparently about to have sex. The two drunk partakers where then asked to put their clothes back on and leave. It was only after telling the officers to F-off that they were arrested and thrown in the clinker. If you can tell me that two naked people in the US wouldn't have been arrested on indecent exposure and public intoxication charges in the same situation and thrown in the slammer then I have a bridge you can buy.
Your right, its not like living in the states. I am spoiled and like to be driven home by a chauffeur where I can then drink a cocktail while my gardener and maid tend to their duties all while banking away a good bit of money and enjoying life and NOT having to pay nObama.
BTW, in the USA the $4 a pack tax on cigarettes, the new oil that restaurants must use to cook with, or those incandescent light bulbs that are now illegal to produce and sell and a list of more.......those aren't freedoms that are restricted or taken away in the USA, right?.....because I still have those here.
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