h25b said:So wise one... They haven't crossed any picket line and they admittedly ARE NOT operating in any violation to the CURRENT TSA scope clause. So what this boils down to is that they just get paid less than what you'd be willing to fly the CRJ-700 for... Sounds like this is more your problem than theirs. Don't you think you should be angy with TSA management ??? If that's the case quit your job at TSA and go to work somewhere else where you'd be happier.
Are not operating in violation of scope? Who admitted that? I guess you haven't read the contract TSA has have you, Oh One Who Likes To Attach Titles.. It appearred rather clear in the contract but I guess I don't have a 10 year law degree either.
The only thing I am annoyed with is the guys that continually want to defend these guys ecspecially if they don't have a dog in the fight.
I don't hate any of those guys, I don't hate management, I don't hate those who defend them. This a game that has been played for as long as there have been employers and employees. It sucks but thats how it is played. Those guys taking heat for happening is part of the game too, they knew it when they took the job.