I've done the contract thing on and off for years. I want to give you the same advice I have someone else on this site yesterday.
Go with the aircraft where you know someone who will use you. Preferably someone who has flown with you in the past. If you don't know anyone, try knocking on doors, but it will be an uphill struggle unless you luck into the right situation.
Either way, find someone who will agree to use you BEFORE you go get the type rating!
EDIT: Incidentally, make sure you get a 135 check when you get the type! This will require you completing indoc for a certificate holder who has that type of aircraft, but it will definitely allow you to get more business.
Go with the aircraft where you know someone who will use you. Preferably someone who has flown with you in the past. If you don't know anyone, try knocking on doors, but it will be an uphill struggle unless you luck into the right situation.
Either way, find someone who will agree to use you BEFORE you go get the type rating!
EDIT: Incidentally, make sure you get a 135 check when you get the type! This will require you completing indoc for a certificate holder who has that type of aircraft, but it will definitely allow you to get more business.
Cody_V said:Thanks to all of you who have replied to my thread.
For the record, I have spent the past 14 months flying corporate both 91 and 135 international (bahamas, carribean, etc.) so I am not totally unfamiliar with the corporate flying world. Also, I do not think the airlines are the ultimate place to be which is why I want to enter the IC business. I think b/c of aircraft I've flown people got the impression I am coming from the airlines, but the SF-340 is a corporate/charter plane that I am flying.
I do uderstand that this is a very difficult task and I have a lot of studying to do, but those that think flying an a/c long haul is as difficult as putting a man on the moon probably have not done this type of flying or are that piss poor of pilots that it is a difficult task for them and yet impossible for them to do it with a low time guy in the second seat. It is these pilots that contractors should avoid.
There seems a mixed reaction to my endeavor, so for those that are trying to help me and I do appreciate it, would it be wiser to look at possibly a Challenger 300 or 604 type instead and then work up to the GEX?
Thanks again for your input!
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