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G Gates

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Prop2Jet said:
Hey FC Nelson.:

People like you just SUCK. Nothing more about it. By the way "old man" I am not a kid so stick it up your ass you disgruntled old fart. Do yourself a favor and pop a few viagra to take the edge off your not so nice aviation speak.

Why thank you for the the compliment, Prop2Jet.

You really don't have a clue, do you. Let me ask you, do you have any idea how expensive it is to live in the Northern VA area, near IAD. Here's a clue: you couldn't touch a basic townhouse for under $350k. Let me tell something else. Unemployment in Loudoun County, VA, where IAD is located is under 2%. Any given day of the week, I could literally go to any place of employment and be hired for just about anything. Last week I talked to a guy who hooks up cable for Adelphia. After a 2 week training course, he's made over $80k this year.

UAL & affiliates thru DGS is well aware of the situation they have at IAD. Its not that they don't want to staff the ramp properly, its that they can't at the pay rates they offer. And its not like the ramper pay rates there are going to come up anything significant anytime soon. So thats why you have the 'G' gate situation and will continue to have it. And its not like ACA did things any better when they were UEX, nor did Presidential or whomever came before then. As a regional airline, your company operates on slim profit margins, and with that mentality, you'll never attract top notch talent (for long) to service your airplanes. Personally - I think anybody who works on the ramp at the 'G' gates is foolish, because they could be pursuing so many other better means of remuneration in the IAD area. But what may seem a glaring weakness to you - I'm sure a 3 minute wait for a marshaller has you dying of a heart attack - has a negligible effect on the entire UAL operation. Net result: People get in the terminal a few seconds later, connect to their flight, and go on with their day. There is a flex factor built in to the system to accomodate inefficiencies. Obviously the 'G' gates has some physical limitations, but these people who routinely vow to never travel on UAL again always come running back to the airline that offers the lowest fare & best connections out of IAD (usually UAL).

I've got news for you Prop2Jet. I suspect that when you got hired on by whichever loser operator who populate the 'G' gates (take your pick of Colgan, Mesa, Trans States, or Chautauqua), you thought you were going to airline heaven. You had this image of you gliding through the terminal in this crisp pilot uniform, flying a powerful regional aircraft, and being serviced by top-notch aviation professionals. Guess what: It ain't like that. It ain't close to perfect. If you think adding a few more rampers to the mix would smooth things out, it won't. Every hub has issues. Ask an ASA or DAL guy about ATL. Ask a UAL guy about ORD. Ask an AA guy about DFW. The sooner you learn that everybody, and I mean everybody not sitting in your seat is actively attempting to ensure you never make another dime flying airplanes is the day you'll be a better person.


P.S. Say 'hi' to your friend FlyChicaga for me.
Your right Nelson. I am sorry for the rude email, I was angered at your comments, it was unprofessional of me. I don't know FlyChicago either.
At one point I lived in Alexandria, and yes very expensive!
I guess I was fired up from your insulting and condescending email in this thread.

I will just sit in my seat and tell the folks in the back that due to the low wages of rampies you will all be late and good luck with your bags!
rtmcfi said:
Right, and I think the whole point of this was that IAD Ghetto gates have more "issues" than other places. If you have flown anywhere further than Ashburn, you surely realize this.

You have got to be the most naive, fresh-faced CFI kid I've ever seen in my life. If you think the 'G' gates at IAD have more issues than anywhere else, you ain't seen nothing.

Prop2Jet said:
I will just sit in my seat and tell the folks in the back that due to the low wages of rampies you will all be late and good luck with your bags!

If you really want to change things at the 'G' gates, that would actually be a reasonable way to go about it. Keep your nose clean and you'll be out of there before you know it.

FCNelson said:
Why thank you for the the compliment, Prop2Jet.

....I've got news for you Prop2Jet. I suspect that when you got hired on by whichever loser operator who populate the 'G' gates (take your pick of Colgan, Mesa, Trans States, or Chautauqua), .....

P.S. Say 'hi' to your friend FlyChicaga for me.

Blanket insult for half the industry. If you are a captain i hope to never fly with you.

I think the problem with the G gates is lack of organization. The rampers do a good job i think, when they know what to do. Maybe if they hired some talent/experience in some key positions that would help.

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