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G-450 & G-550 Internet Access

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2003
Anyone flying the above types care to comment on the availability of Internet access from your birds? Mostly interested in speed, reliability of line not dropping off, security of same, plus any other thoughts that you could pass on. Email obviously is part of the question also.

We're getting ready to order some new birds of the above type, and are exploring various vendors who supply access.
we don't have it so i can't comment on internet .....but we do have the newly certed wx uplink on our cockpit displays which seems pretty neat so far. it shows weather overlays (radar,winds & satellite images) on screens. you will like it. :)
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PMV--I think anytime you get in on the leading edge of technology, you will have some teething problems. This is so new, I'd be hesitant to get into it until some other schleps work out the bugs for the rest of us. ;)

I would imagine you can eventually expect the same level of reliability with internet that you have with DSS now. JMO.TC
PMVULB AvMgr said:
Anyone flying the above types care to comment on the availability of Internet access from your birds? Mostly interested in speed, reliability of line not dropping off, security of same, plus any other thoughts that you could pass on. Email obviously is part of the question also.

We're getting ready to order some new birds of the above type, and are exploring various vendors who supply access.

If you move in this direction, you better have someone in your Maint. Dept. that is a DEDICATED EXPERT in this field. These guys don't come cheap BTW. The various sytems that we have in our aircraft are labor instensive and when the principal gets comfortable with having it around, and then it does not work there can be h*ll to pay.
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In few words, Gulfstream's BroadBand internet, don't worth the money, go for swift64, it's slower but enough for 99% business needs.

Also this technoogy must to be much cheaper very soon, so very low chance to have a good ROI on these "edge gadgets".
We operate the high speed on our G5. Our IT folks had a real issue with security, to appease them we had them test the network prior to placing the order.

The Internet works great and the network has met all of the companies expectations for security. The one caveat I would have is: plan on increasing your budget considerably. Try calculating the cost per minute based upon what you perceive your usage per flight will be. The number is off the charts when you start adding multiple users and aircraft into the equation.
G4G5--Andy from Bristol-Meyers said to tell you hi! TC

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