By the time we get new RJ's our 44-50 rates will surpass yours and each year will get higer and higher than yours. What does your 44 cap out at?? Not even CLOSE to ours!
How can you claim this? By the time you do get CRJ's, we'll most likely have a new contract with new rates. Currently our rates top out at 82.37 for 14-15 years. How many years does you contract go to, 18-20 years? The only reason your payscale will exceed ours next year is because beyond '04 we don't have pay scales.
No one ever claimed that PCL's contract is better than Mesabas. Most of us(PCL and MSA) bought into the talk of the MEC and results were less than anyone was expecting.
How can you claim that PCL sold out to get CRJ's. Can the same be said of you when you get CRJ'? How about the AVRO's. You took concessions to get them. You are still working under concessions in the area of a single pay scale for FO's.