Welcome to America!! Remember, Larry is the venture capitalist, the entrepreneur, the "management asset" and not the "labor liability". This is what American business is all about, making a few 'risk takers' wealthy at the expense of the many cowardly dummies and then listen to the TV hacks and the $150K-$175K feaux rich wannabe's make excuses for the status quo.
This is the beauty of laissez faire capitalism with it's unrestricted markets and lack of regulation. Why we all know a bunch of clean cut, white boys who go to church every Sunday (and the right church at that) would never do anything wrong. This is the way it is supposed to be, there are those meant to serve and those meant to lead. We have to reward our management 'talent' or we will lose them.
Can anyone else think of an excuse I left out? Oh, one more thing, if you don't like it, you don't have to live here ( this I heard for the last 8+ years. Of course many of those people who mindlessly parroted that crap don't like Obama but they still live here.)
I won't be getting a furlough letter this time but I am out of hope. I am prepared to clean up the cockpit one last time so I can hand it over nice and clean to the United pilot that will soon occupy the space I have been in the last 5 years. What's the big deal, I handed over my space at TWA after 7 years there.
I have been accused by my fellow pilots of being part of an entitlement generation. We felt entitled to not sit reserve for 10 years, to upgrade to captain before we turned 57, to make more than a McDonalds employee as a newhire. If I ever complained about these issues I was firmly rebuked by my older colleagues that I knew the rules when I got on with CAL.
Interestingly enough, many of these colleagues are now flying at ages 61, 62, and soon 63 years of age, even though they knew the rules when they hired on with the airlines 20+ years ago. Apparently having a 'right' to a part-time job that pays upwards of 200K a year isn't some sort of entitlement sense. More cannibalism by those who have already had their share (who decides who's share is enough?-says the Limbaughs of the country) at the expense of those waiting in the wings and struggling.
Who has any hope left out there? Not only about this profession, but about any profession in this world that is rapidly evolving. What are my kids supposed to do to get by? We don't want to provide them something like healthcare, fine, but we don't care if they are provided employment opportunities to obtain healthcare either, especially if we can help out our own 401K's returns. Where do we think all this is going to lead? I have seen the gates on the gated communities that many of the Kellner's of the world live in, and I don't imagine those partitions could hold back an angry mob of the hopeless.
Sorry this is so off message with the furlough thread. The post by HHH tripped a switch inside me. I suppose my somewhat liberal underlinings are showing through and I accept all the criticism such displays entail in what is a predominantly conservative profession which necessarily promotes the status quo. This status quo is killing all of us, not just these 308 latest victims.
To my friends and colleagues at CAL who got the letter, my most sincere sympathies and best wishes. I will be joining you shortly I am sure.
Good post. At least a few of us get the big picture.