FSI Helps Pilots and Techs Who've Lost Jobs
FlightSafety International yesterday announced a "Proficiency Protection Program" designed to help pilots and maintenance technicians of business aircraft who have become involuntarily unemployed since Jan. 1, 2009.
FSI will offer recurrent training at no cost to pilots of business aircraft who were training under a full- service contract at the time of their job loss in an aircraft type on which they were training. Maintenance technicians who were enrolled in FlightSafety's Master Technician program at the time of their job loss can receive the next course toward their Master Technician rating at no cost. Complete program details, including eligibility requirements and training request forms, are at www.flightsafety.com.
The democrat party and B. Hussein Obama should pay for their training. They were the ones doing all of the hollering about the "fat cats and their corporate jets" According to the dems you aren't allowed to earn money any more.