Your first mistake was to believe what you read in the paper. Clearly you like many of us are beyond frustrated with the degradation of our profession.
Our unions are not and have not met with management regarding the Perseus deal. Supposedly there will be talks next week. Since we have a different culture than other airlines and since our management led by example we as pilots agreed to a temporary 14.5% pay reduction. It was not without debate. We have since speculated that mgt would seek to extend that paycut. The mood of the pilot group is far less receptive than it was a few months ago.
We do not know what Perseus requires or desires in terms of concessions. Without having seen numbers it's hard to make judgements. Let's wait until we have some facts. We will see what Perseus LLC thinks a Frontier pilot is worth. Then we can talk. I agree that we should not continue to take concessions.
Regarding our rates of pay being "less than stellar" you are clearly not familiar with how we are compensated. We bring home some pretty fat paychecks. The system is set up to provide high quality of life and the ability to "work and earn" if you so choose. Many of us so choose and are rewarded with big dollars. The company is rewarded with the most cost efficient pilot group in the airline business. I'm not saying our contract is perfect. Clearly there are areas in need of improvement.
When we first approached the company years ago with how this could be achieved they were pretty skeptical. We showed them how we each could benefit and it worked. The "good will" of the pilot group is due to this set up. If the company/Perseus gets stupid with concession demands they will see it blow up in their face. That's not a threat of illegal work action by any means. Nobody here is stupid enough to play that game. It's just human nature. It's the difference between a culture of teamwork and incentive versus a culture of "the beatings will continue until morale improves."
It's that culture that has led us to provide great service and hard work. Hopefully mgt won't get stupid and blow it like most other airlines.
This cracks me up. In five years at F9 the only thing different about our pilot group is the level of naiveness. Yes F9 has been a good place to work. Scheds. are good, people are nice etc. But management is no different than anywhere else. They are here to run a business plane and simple and they will do what ever it takes to make that happen. The F9 pilot group due to lack of industry experience and failure to look at the history of this business will buy off on anything that is fed to them. F9 is no different than any other place I've worked except for the perceived working relation with management. The cockpit environment is no different than at my former carriers. As far as pay I was making less before our paycut than I was 10 yrs ago in the same position and our bennies suck! So how far are you willing to lower the bar to compensate for your lack of a back up plan or to keep your "hobbie" going? I've personally sunk to an embarrassing low level and will not be hurt a bit when this goat rope ends.
I will quit rambling now