Two separate issues. The DFR suit wasn't about a unions right to re-open sections of a possible future contract during negotiations. It was a not-yet ripe attempt to collect damages from USAPA and yes to try and force the nic on us. I doubt Judge Silver will tell the company that they can't re-open sections, she doesn't have the authority to meddle with the RLA. So, once the companies suit is decided we will then put a DOH list in the contract and after it is ratified and only after it is will DFR II start. If DFR II is won by the west I doubt a judge would have the power to un-do a negotiated contract that would cost the company alot of money. Off to the beach again...happy fathers' day to all.
The dj is about the ta and contract law. You're just spouting the usapa misguided half truth about what is really happening here. This has nothing to do with labor law or the rla. If it usapa has got this one in the bag, why did they waste a full year fighting like he'll to keep this from getting in front of a judge?