Interesting. You're arguing the fairness of the Nic and I'm arguing the integrity of living up to your obligations. I don't care if you think the nic is fair. Both sides entered arbitration expecting the other to abide by it. Grow up.
I never would have agreed to binding arbitration (and I didn't agree to it) because the arbitrator can do whatever they want and ignore a national unions instructions and give an obvious windfall to one side. I know on this anonymous board you can say anything but I doubt you could look at a loved one and tell them that it is fair that a guy with 2 months of service should be the captain of a 16+ year guy and tell that that is not a windfallfall for Dave. You will say because I was furloughed I "brought nothing to the table". It is backwards. When my wealthy management decided to sacrifice my family so they can make the company look better for a merger than I brought everything to the table...everything...I helped make your purchase of the great US Airways possible (very sarcastic if you couldn't tell). When you stand there and try to pull it off as you guys were geniouses because "you bought USAirways" that you should have everything here I can only say you will get it all. In about 10 to 12 years. You win either way it turns out Captain.