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FMLA part 2

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luckiest man alive
Sep 25, 2002
Thanks for all the original replies I got about fmla, but I was hoping to get a roll call of different airlines that 'allow' it.

I was told by a senior manager at my fine airline w a certain innuit on the tail that JetBlue is the ONLY airline in north America that offers it which is utter bunk so I'm looking for names of those that do to put on his desk.

Need facts on this, not commentary!!!

Thanx y'all,
Geez....even Mesa let me take it...3 times.

However, I did not accrue longevity while on leave.
psa airlines, though a regional they let pilots and f/a's take it. Don't think it's an issue with the new bill that was passed
My husband flies a bus for an airline that flies in both North and South America. Last year, when I had to have him take FMLA to care for me it was a no brainer and all went smoothly.
All companies with at least 50 employees are required by federal law to offer FMLA. This information must be posted in a location that you can see it. As long as you work a certain number of hours per year, you can take leave for any of the following:

1. A serious illness
2. A family member's serious illness (in your household or someone you are responsible for).
3. Birth of a child
4. To care for a family member who is in the service and is injured as a result of that service.

This isn't an all inclusive list, it's from my muddled memory so be sure that you check out all of the various requirements. Document, document, document!


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