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Fly past age 60, WHY?

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So the ICAO folks ADMIT there's a safety issue about guys flying, part 121, beyond Age 60. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a restriction on guys less than 60 having to "babysit" the over 60 pilots.

Schedulers are going to love trying to plan around the over vs. under 60 year olds............what a can of worms these knuckleheads opened...

Pilots over age 60 have a better accident record than pilots under age 60.

If it was about safety, the age 60 rule would have disappeared years ago.


I have to disagree with you on this one. There has to be an age limit in this job, just like military, atc, police. I don't know if 60 or 90 is the correct age, but like I said earlier, it isn't difficult to get a class I with the right AME. And we all know one.

There have been great advances in aviation since the age 60 rule went into effect. But, along with these advances, there has been a quick decline in work rules. This job will become much harder than it is today.

While pilots gain incredible experience with age, performance also declines as well. I don't think this is up for debate. The question is when does it decline? You can have study after study, but there is no way to really determine this age.

Age 60 works. Tough luck for those that didn't take care of their retirement. I worked my 20 in the military (active and military) and a very large group of these old whiners could have done the same. I would say the vast majority of near 60 pilots are ex military.

You mentioned mirroring international rules. The question is why did they make this rule in the first place? Is it unsafe to have two 65 year old pilots flying together?

And lastly, is the age 60 rule discrimination? Wouldn't age 65 be discrimination as well? Why do you think the old timers can take care of their retirement if they fly 5 more years? Most of us have noticed the industry in free fall for the last 4 years. Are they just noticing? They had 4 years of excellent wages to add to their nest egg.

Bottom line is this: These old timers benefited from age 60 throughout their career. Now they want it changed to benefit them again. I don't think so.

And remember this hasn't passed the entire senate and house. And even if it does, it will probably be years before this goes into effect.

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