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Florida West International ? The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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They used to have an ad in Flying or Flight Magazine of a Chubby lil FAT kid who had his dad buy him a 767 type rating...and he was "hired" at Florida West.
Having been *************************ed myself by a MIA based operator, I concur. Unless your last name is "Gutierez" or some other Latino name, you're gonna get screwed...
Yeah, My (ECAWS) Enhanced Crappy Airline Proximity Warning System was going off but I figured I'd throw it out there to confirm. This ain't my first rodeo so anything from down the MIA is usually pretty suspect.
Hey LeGarbage,

Don't worry, there will be plenty of local guys lining up for that job and for the 767 F/O jobs with Amerijet. So, you just stay up north (in the freezing cold, I might add) and leave the MIA flying to us locals (that just want to come home........). :smash:

(Before anyone thinks this a flame and roasts me, I'm just kidding with the Garbage Man, as is my duty to do to him...)
Hey LeGarbage,

Don't worry, there will be plenty of local guys lining up for that job and for the 767 F/O jobs with Amerijet. So, you just stay up north (in the freezing cold, I might add) and leave the MIA flying to us locals (that just want to come home........). :smash:

(Before anyone thinks this a flame and roasts me, I'm just kidding with the Garbage Man, as is my duty to do to him...)

Hey your up late or is it early over there I can't keep track. Don't you worry my friend I will leave those big South America bound jets for you.
I am more interested in putting my low altitude skills to the test and make some real money flying in and out of the sunshine state. Pretty sure it would be a short career with some of my P3 buds out chasing me down but it sure as hell has to be more exciting than the chicken pox. Yep the youngest came in to show off all her pretty red dots. Now don't you have to hop on your magic carpet or camel or something and get back over to the airport.
Disclaimer: Hopefully it is obvious that I am not actually interested in the above mentioned low altitude flying position. Truth be told, they probably would not even call me for the interview. To much airline flying, because you know we would not help load the bales. Ooopps, I ment to say the bags.
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Buddy worked there about 10 years ago, upgrades/furloughs were not by seniority. He was told to move to MIA or be furloughed, and I think they hired current/qualified off the street for the 767 while furloughing DC-8 crews. As someone else mentioned it sure helped if your last name ended in ez. Maybe it has gotten better but I doubt it.
There is nothing going on there. They thought they had another contract, but that went south. No need for crews for their 1 1/2 aircraft. Almost all their flying is S. America for LAN
We recently started flying for LAN and the "rumor" is that since LAN owns 49% of Florida West, that there is internal riff between owners and our flying is going to increase because of it.
And whatever you do, never ever sign a training contract. If it were such a great job .....

Florida West et al. aside. There's nothing wrong with training contracts. A company can require their pilots to sign a training contract and it can still be a great job.

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