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Flight Options

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Frac Daddy said:
Also, if you think having a union will change things, you are wrong. I have a couple of friends that are at FedEx. Even though they are happy, there is not as much movement as they would like to see because a lot of the old guys are picking up a ton of OT to pad their pension when the retire. Again, even at a unionized company, most people do what is best for themselves.
Have you ever worked for a union company? Somehow I doubt it. I speak from experience. Unions are not always the best answer, but I'm starting to feel a Flight Options Pilots union would benefit us all.

I understand your desire to make a little extra money, however, more than 1 - 2 days a month is a bit over the top. You're screwing us all by working more than that.
gunfyter said:
So the point is you don't care about anyone but yourself? Got it now!

So...You never work overtime because it harms the junior pilots at your company? If so, you are a true martyr. If not, you are a hypocrite.
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matchthehatch said:
Have you ever worked for a union company? Somehow I doubt it. I speak from experience. Unions are not always the best answer, but I'm starting to feel a Flight Options Pilots union would benefit us all.

I understand your desire to make a little extra money, however, more than 1 - 2 days a month is a bit over the top. You're screwing us all by working more than that.
Well pal, I have worked for a union company. If you ever have, you would know that sometimes unions eat their young. I am not saying I am against a union at Options, but I think I am a little more realistic.
Frac Daddy said:
Well pal, I have worked for a union company. If you ever have, you would know that sometimes unions eat their young. I am not saying I am against a union at Options, but I think I am a little more realistic.
I should have asked "Have you ever worked for a company with a decent union?" Mesa or whatever other weak union doesn't count. The fact that so many feel they need to work so many days of OT to make a decent living is proof of the fact that we are underpaid and overworked.

Just curious, what union did you belong to?
Frac Daddy said:
If I need or want to work a few OT days for extra money, so be it. You guys can "educate" me all you want, but I just don't care.

Also, if you think having a union will change things, you are wrong. I have a couple of friends that are at FedEx. Even though they are happy, there is not as much movement as they would like to see because a lot of the old guys are picking up a ton of OT to pad their pension when the retire. Again, even at a unionized company, most people do what is best for themselves.

I don't see you as a company man, and typically I agree with what you post. However, we will agree to disagree on this matter. If all of our pilots refused OT, the company would be forced to upgrade people, and hire new people to fill those open slots. It's a fact. Everything is stagnant here right now. If you guys wouldn't work OT, there would be movement. By working OT, you are looking out for number one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone needs some extra change. Guess what? You have a whole week off, find a part time job doing something different, not being a whore for Options. I'm gonna call a spade a spade, and it pi$$es me off to no end hearing about guys working days upon days of OT for "their own benefit." Well, it sucks because it fuks me and it fuks all of our other pilots out there busting our aces 14 hours, 7 days, and 16 hours on day eight. Rant over. Have a good weekend.

P.S. Let's not work overtime anymore!!!
hate to agree with Frac Daddy

but I do.

"I think you are missing the point. I don't go to work "for the vast majority of us". I work to support myself and my family. If I need or want to work a few OT days for extra money, so be it. You guys can "educate" me all you want, but I just don't care."

I'm not in it for anyone but myself. Are you going to pay my bills? Send my kids to college? Pay for my families vacation? Support my family when the company drives it self out of business? Didn't think so.

"The fact that so many feel they need to work so many days of OT to make a decent living is proof of the fact that we are underpaid and overworked."

Where do you think that more money is coming from?

""Have you ever worked for a company with a decent union?" Mesa or whatever other weak union doesn't count.

How about your precious Teamsters? Yes I worked for a company with them. It was even a job where they at least had a clue what they were doing, not aviation and they were horrible.
Collect their percentage.
Protect the lazy.
Keep one hand in the company's pocket.

That pretty much sums up the experience I've had with them.

Why don't you ask the Netjet guys how much they love their teamsters. Haven't found one on the road thats too happy recently. Their 100% pay increase they were all bragging about aint gonna happen. How long has it been for them? If you really want to ruin someones day, the next time your in an FBO and you see a Netjet guy ask him/her how the contract is coming. The look on their face wil tell it all.
hawkercpt said:
How about your precious Teamsters? Yes I worked for a company with them. It was even a job where they at least had a clue what they were doing, not aviation and they were horrible.
Collect their percentage.
Protect the lazy.
Keep one hand in the company's pocket.

That pretty much sums up the experience I've had with them.

Why don't you ask the Netjet guys how much they love their teamsters. Haven't found one on the road thats too happy recently. Their 100% pay increase they were all bragging about aint gonna happen. How long has it been for them? If you really want to ruin someones day, the next time your in an FBO and you see a Netjet guy ask him/her how the contract is coming. The look on their face wil tell it all.
Ain't my union. Never mentioned anything about Teamsters. All of my prior union experiences (3-all ALPA) have been fantastic. Any union pilot will tell you that your union is only as good as the local leadership, not the national leadership. I'm sorry you belonged to a union with such crappy local leaders.

What happened to the recommendations from the pilot board? We didn't even get to find out what they were, much less hear of management's decisions regarding them! I'm sure we will get raises, after Netjets get theirs. The only reason we'll get them is because it will help retain pilots and minimize training costs of new pilots. If you think JH is looking out for us, you are wrong. He will only look out for us to the extent necessary to keep the crowd controlled. His job (as it should be) is to look out for the stockholders.

I don't necessarily think a union is the answer (and if it is, Teamsters isn't it), but some sort of group to unify the pilots is needed. My partner got a call from our PM last tour. A Challenger pilot whom he was hanging out with for several hours called our PM to tell him that my partner was not wearing a tie. This guy had hours to pull him aside and give him his thoughts on proper attire, but he went straight to the PM. That sort of thing doesn't happen at a company where the pilots are unified and looking out for one another. You can probably name several other similar examples.

I don't want to start a pi$$ing match with you or anyone else. These are simply the thoughts of one guy who works hard and is an outstanding employee who would like to see a few changes around here. I'm not asking for a 7/7 schedule, or 100% pay raise, just to be recognized and rewarded for giving more than half of my life to FO.
Who gives a ratsa$$ if he was wearing a tie or not. Was he in front of customers or in the plane with pax's on board. If not then he does not need a tie on in my opinion. If he was sitting at the FBO waiting for pax it should not matter. As long as he is uniform when it comes time to play pilot for the customers. It just goes to show the PM's and APM's are not there for us. They are just management puppets.
how come its always the CPTs

with the screw you, I'm working overtime attitude. Why, because the CPTs now "got theirs"... they upgraded when the upgrades were quick and never had to spend 3 years as a FO. . If you complain about not getting vacation and then work OT, your a dumbarse too. You and me clap, maybe we can shame one or two self serving, selfish, OT whores, but i feel it is a losing battle. Even some guys I've flown allot with who are supposed "friends", and give me the "tough luck man... thought you would have had your upgrade months ago" still thumb their noses by working OT to pay for the boat, or the second house, or for the next trip to Vegas. FO OT pay sucks if an FO is dumb enough to work it.

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