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Flight Options Vacation Changes

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To late

I've stated this before, but I'll say it again. My interest is actually for my friends at a different fractional where I was affiliated for a short time between layoffs. This board is read by all and is a great example of all the reasons not to bring a union on to the property.

Hey bro its to late. If you were out on the road and talking to some of these left behind friends, be they Flex or Shares, you would know that it way to late. I was talking to a Shares pilot yesterday and they are very close to having the cards they need and your management buddies at Shares keep giving them the motivations to sign them and send them in. Flex has been trying to organize for a while now but their management has been somewhat smarter about things and not exercised any attacks on the pilots. Sooner or later Flex pilots will see the light and will also get on board.

On another note, your constant negative comments about the union at option are also way to late. Management at FLOPS has perpetrated so many attacks on us that there is no way we would ever trust management again. They continue to attack us and our quality of life, lie to us about everything, steal from us and our families, and turn FLOPS into the most undesirable fractional operator to work for.

You and your "management is the answer to all that ails us, unions are evil and any union member is out to kill the company" crap is just that crap. The VP of Ops at FLOPS, the guy that everyone thinks you are, has said more then once that a company gets the union they deserve. Well guess what, he's right and thats exactly what FLOPS and the MOOrons that run it got.
Actually, this board is full of examples of exactly why underpaid/overworked pilots need a union on property to protect their interests when management seeks to balance the budget on their backs and unilaterally changes (for the worse) the pay and/or working conditions they were hired under. There are also lots of examples of the good that can be accomplished when pilots stand together and work for a contract that gives them fair compensation and work rules that a company is legally required to follow.

How many members of this board would have a house built without a contract to protect their investment? Common sense dictates that building a career is equally important and the investment is even greater. Fractional pilots deserve to have a voice in their career destiny. Best of luck to those at the bargaining table and those collecting cards. NJW
b19, BOB, whoever the feck you are....

....is realy immaterial. The quest for a contract anywhere is a quest for a system of checks and balances. Nothing more. Management holds all the cards unless the affected groups have a way to balance their power. You have made your case abundantly clear. It's a case that I reject.

Management's reluctance to sign a contract equates to their reluctance to share power. Since the pilots in our operation are not only pilots, but baggage handlers, customer service representatives, TSA agents and the face of the company why shouldn't they rate industry standard pay?

Oh, and by the way with the looming pilot shortage that appears to be having an effect at FLOPS, why shouldn't we have a contract that attracts and retains the best pilots? Hmmmmmm.......?
First of all we all know he is not a pilot as defined from his post regarding one of our fellow pilots. Any pilot with an ounce of decency or civility would not have made a comment about doing someone elses girlfriend because of their schedule. Besides we all know he is anxious to end this union battle so he can go back to those long sunset strolls with his boyfriend down there in Miami on South Beach. Secondly, the only airline I can think of that is non-union is skywest and just ask them how much they love their non-union airline. Good ole' Jerry Atkins giving them a 1 and 1/2 percent pay increase in seven years, dumping that pbs bidding system in their lap, oh yeah, and flying seventy and ninety seat aircraft for fifty seat pay. Unions exist because of the criminal actions of greeedy airline executives. The union is here to stay at flight options. I suggest we ignore this idiot. Do not engage in any of his disruptive conjecture. We need to get rid of the ot thread and approach our bretheren in a more respectful manner. They are trying to divide us and that is exactly what b19 is trying to do here. As much as I am against doing ot, in time the offenders will realize their selfish interests are affecting their well being as well. Now if you will forgive me I have to get some rest. I only had thirty minutes to postflight and do a minimal aircraft postflight inspection. I am sure after ten hours of rest here at the super 8 I will have the keen sense for discovering any discrepancies I might have overlooked last night. Adios
I know you. This won't work. Don't expect a reply, fool.
The stench deepens. GM is out on strike nationwide, baseball can't get steroids out of the game because of the union and the Flight Options pilots are going to play games with the "rules" rather than negotiate in good faith. How many non-union careers and small business are going to take the hit cause of union work actions in the GM strike? How many dealership non-union workers will be affected? Will you support your local union brothers when YOU can't get your car fixed cause there aren't any parts available?

Can you smell it yet?


Looks like a 6th year Capt. at FLOPS could not go over to NJ and break even with 1st year FO pay. I wonder how many pilots you will have left to abuse come spring?

18 Day Fixed Base Wage Tables: PIC F/O& F/O Greater Than 40K lbs
1 $106,444 .......1 $69,188 $79,073
2 $110,169 .......2 $71,610 $81,840
3 $114,025 .......3 $77,537 $84,704
4 $118,016 .......4 $80,251 $87,669
5 $122,147 .......5 $83,060 $90,738
6 $126,422 .......6 $88,495 $93,913
7 $130,847 .......7 $91,593 $97,200
8 $135,426 .......8 $93,882 $100,602
9 $140,166 .......9 $96,229 $104,123
10 $145,072 ......10 $98,635 $107,768
11 $150,149
12 $155,405
13 $160,844
14 $166,473

Base pay only.
If that person you call "nobody" doesn't care, that's OK. However, I consider the rest of the readership "somebody" and a very intellegent group of pilots. I'm certain they would prefer not to be insulted by you calling them "nobody".

Sir, nobody cares what your opinion is.
Since I know you read this website

Mr. Tyler,

Here is the deal. The new NJ Tentative Agreement sounds the death nell for FLOPS in its current form.

I have spoken to many of my friends at FLOPS today and they are all applying to NetJets. A pretty agressive and smart business tactic, if you ask me. Now there is no question that each and every fractional in the industry is now a training ground for NetJets.

It appears that your handlers (MS and SA) are faced with a tough decision. Do you up with the money, settle the contract, watch FLOPS die a slow painful death, or quit your job?

The ball is now firmly in management's court at FLOPS. The survival of the company could depend entirely on you, sir.

Best of luck.

The Monkey
Monkey, that sums it up. My husband said the same thing to me about the FLOPS situation. I certainly hope that management will wise up. It doesn't have to be this way and NJA is living proof that there is a better way. Motivated workers make great employees. When there is little/no labor strife everyone is able to concentrate on service and profits rise. Burned out, resentful ones are less productive and more prone to illness. It amazes me that such basic concepts are ignored by penny-wise, pound-foolish managers over and over...:confused: It also angers me because the pilots and their families usually end up losing income and/or QOL. :mad: Hopefully, the NJA TA will bring the fence sitters in your group around and be the wake up call your management needs. Best Wishes to Options pilots and their families! NJW

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