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Flight Options union robs the first officers is this ok?

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^^ I mean personally invested as in: financially invested. You know - put your own money into the business.

I don't doubt that a pilot is personally invested.
^^ I mean personally invested as in: financially invested. You know - put your own money into the business.

I don't doubt that a pilot is personally invested.

time is money, and pilots work more hours than management can even imagine with their greedy brains.

remember, there are no bad companies, only bad managers.

they get the union they deserve then blame their troubles on that same union tieing their greedy management hands. Most people try to cover up their lies but management comes right out and makes it obvious.

Why do you need $500,000+ per year to live when you have pilots that make your company great in pverty on food stamps? coward

dont bother with a reply.
I don't work at FLOPs, so you guys can do what you want. But that is some horrible pay they are offering. That is so far from the industry average it is depressing. If I was there I'd vote no and send them back to the table.
I think its going to pass, since people arent going to want to wait another 2-3 years. We will never get released for self help, with how things are written in the contract.

2 - 3 yrs longer ???? no way that will happen. There are to many redemptions pending. The owners will not wait that long to renew thier contracts. Management will need to speed things along. They have ran all the contingencie plans and they know how long they have to come up with a revised TA in the event this TA does not pass.
I don't work at FLOPs, so you guys can do what you want. But that is some horrible pay they are offering. That is so far from the industry average it is depressing. If I was there I'd vote no and send them back to the table.

Obviously, like Japhy, I have no direct connection to the Flt Ops group, but I do share his interest and concern based on the fact that all our families in the frac industry share a lot of common ground and can be (and have been) affected by what happens to one another. That said, I must say that his observation is my initial reaction also. And it's hard to see past that 5 year possibility...probability duration...yuk! But every detail must be looked at.

I trust that the Flt Ops pilots and families will give their TA the thorough scrutiny its provisions call for and your leaders' efforts deserve. You all have a lot of studying to do. Good luck! As you weigh the pros and cons, don't forget to celebrate the fact that you are taking control of your destiny just by voting!

Kudos on reaching this milestone,
NJW I understand your concern and understand why you have reappeared. Management at NJ will certainly use the OPs TA as a benchmark. Could lead to future problems.
Haz, while that is a possible scenario for every pilotgroup, I'm confident that the top managers at NJ have come to value the contribution of the pilots, seeing firsthand that a respected, motivated group is more productive and makes a better partner... in goods times -- and bad.

My primary focus is on the pilots and families that will have to live and work directly under this TA for what could well be over 5 years. That understood, it is true that my posts allude to the impact that it could have on the rest of the industry. I think there could be more future problems for those pilots who are at-will employees, working without an agreed upon legally binding set of rules and pay. That sector of the frac community has always been more at risk. Events like this just have a way of highlighting that reality. Best of luck to all our families! NJW

P.S. On a lighter note, you get half credit for recognizing the problem and noticing that we're all in this together...:p
The Information Operations Campaign from the Union was always that the FOs were going to be screwed...which in itself was a fascinating thing considering that the original union-guys at FLOPS were heavily OVERREPRESENTED by Beechjet FOs.
...I'm confident that the top managers at NJ have come to value the contribution of the pilots, seeing firsthand that a respected, motivated group is more productive and makes a better partner... in goods times -- and bad.

My primary focus is on the pilots and families that will have to live and work directly under this TA for what could well be over 5 years...

Unfortunately, if this TA is ratified, it won't be because the majority are happy with it and feel like it is what they deserve. Flops management will probably be even more unhappy about the contract, because I they will have a lot of unmotivated, disgruntled pilots with work rules/protections and grievance procedures.

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