I got the flexjet interview and just wondering if anybody has any tips? I have read the gouges and it seems that the biggest thing people worried about was the second segment climb questions and O2 requirements. Appreciate the advice.
I don't Know if the person who gave you that info actually interviewed there but here is the deal. I interviewed at flex in june. It was by far the most laid back interview I can imagine. I have alot of lear time so maybe they were being nice to me. I don't know. The Sim ride was first and from what I could tell It was the interview! So if you haven't flown a squirrly jet you may consider a sim prep. The guy who interviewed me seemed only interested if I was willing to move to a gateway(flex jargon for domicle). There was no Knowledge test and everone was very laid back. There are a great group of folks. So I think they are mostly looking at your background and your sim score. Don't be upset with me if your experience is different though. I didn't take it because I got a better gig that didn't require me to move (I got a family). upgrade time is slow right now but from what I could tell they seem like good people to work with. I hope that helped. Good luck!
Would it be better to be hired into the Lear 60 or Lear 40/45? Is there a pay difference? What is the difference in terms of route variety (e.g., do the 60s do more transcon)? They both look like fun aircraft to fly... Now, if Flexjet could just work on its scheduling/bidding system....
You will be given the aircraft you will fly right after the interview.
I interviewed in July, I got the 45, another got the 60 and the other the 604.
Hiring is going strong right now at about 10 per month. Very laid back interview.
Don't sweat it.
Given the choice... I'd go for the Lear 45 over the 60. You'll be cleaning the "honey-pot" more often in the 60. Either way... Are they training for the LR-31 anymore? When I started there I picked the 60 and got stuck with 31...
You may not get your hands dirty as often in the 45 but the 60 fly's like a real lear jet. Anyone who has flown the 20 series lears willl tell you the 45 performance is disapointing. That 60 reminds me of the old 23 I used to fly. WOW! she is a climber!
Is it likely that Netjet guys will want to jump ship to Flexjet given the crappy TA and the lack of any respect from management? Could Flexjet hire a bunch (are they interviewing now)?
Well I did the interview and was offered a position. I don't know which Lear it is going to be, but if I have a choice I would go with the sixty. It's a power thing you know.
I just want to say that the whole interview process was the most laid back interview I ever had. The people are real friendly which allowed me to relax and go with it.
They really seem to have ducks in a row at Flex and I can't wait to start. Goodluck to anybody else.
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